Human Beings

Human Beings

A Poem by WillaDanvers

When you think about it... human beings are weird things. We are a strange species.


Closed eyes and motionless body,

Drifting in stateless dreams, we choose,

A surface of comfort made in special,

Thin layers of fabric laid upon,


We make these choices, we need,

Turn off the brain, it needs to recharge,

Close those eyes, stop using muscles,

Turn on sleep mode, and for hours endure,


This state we are accustomed too,

From day one till day dot,

We practice the motion of sleep,

Because that is the societal norm,


Held inside thin glass, contained,

Floating on surface of earth,

Two different types,

We dare not treat as same,


A clear liquid, fulfilling our systems,

A clear liquid alone, in small doses,

A mass of blue and green,

Together bound holding immense colour,


Tasteless compared, yet so clear and refreshing,

A drop we ask, a mouthful we take,

Thirst we do, and survive we need,

The substance the fragile glass contains.

© 2017 WillaDanvers

My Review

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Amazing work, it really makes me stop for a moment and think. I especially enjoyed the last two stanzas. Thanks for sharing it!

Posted 6 Years Ago

Wow...the poem is amazing. The word usage is very good and the feelings your poem makes me feel...damn!
Please, continue like that!

My favorite part:
Close those eyes, stop using muscles,
Turn on sleep mode, and for hours endure,

Posted 6 Years Ago

A wonderful poem. I agree. Human being. Hard to understand.
"We make these choices, we need,
Turn off the brain, it needs to recharge,
Close those eyes, stop using muscles,
Turn on sleep mode, and for hours endure, "
The above lines. Things we do and one day we forget who we were. Thank you my friend for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 6 Years Ago

This is great! It was a pleasure to read. :)

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


6 Years Ago

Thank you Snow Angel! :)
A very well penned poem. Keep writing!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


6 Years Ago

Thanke Jiya :)

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5 Reviews
Added on September 26, 2017
Last Updated on September 26, 2017



Auckland, New Zealand

I am a part time poet, who's words sometimes ring true but otherwise have only gathered information from music, stories or a singular feeling. Anything really. Enjoy the words, and leave a few kin.. more..


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