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Step By Step

Step By Step

A Chapter by WilliamClark

I was operating the mounted machine gun when we were driving along The thin dirt road, we started to hear gunfire, but couldn't tell if we were the targets. Later, we came under fire for real, this time, it was from a bunker on a hill. I swung around to the left and fired a few bursts, I had tracer ammunition so I could actually see where I was shooting. The rounds hit the dirt surrounding the bunker, I kept firing until I ran out, I unclipped the round box and threw it away, I quickly fitted another one in and fed the belt into the open slot on top. I just started firing when rounds were returned my way. Rounds struck the metal plating mounted on top of the machine gun. I crouched down into the cabin when the vehicle started moving. We diverted to the left and then sped up. I could see a projectile coming towards us, it looked like a tiny red dot in the distance, sporadically moving around. It smacked into the side of the vehicle, sending shrapnel flying everywhere and exposing the inside of the cabin. We departed the vehicle and leaped into the ditch on the side of the road. We were being blasted with gunfire as the rounds grew increasingly more accurate. I frantically pulled out and unfolded a gridded map showing the surrounding area, I was looking for potential areas where we could try to make it to safety, when something something caught my eye. There was a friendly battalion of troops stationed in a border observation post about seventeen kilometers from here. I circled it with a red marker and showed it to our designated marksman, he said it would take a while to walk from here, but it's our best option right now.

© 2016 WilliamClark

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Added on May 27, 2016
Last Updated on May 29, 2016




Draft Draft

A Book by WilliamClark