Fantasy: Chapter 20: End Of The Dream

Fantasy: Chapter 20: End Of The Dream

A Chapter by Linis Arizen

             End of The Dream





                I stood there, Seria stood behind me. I had my swords out and ready as I watched Allen walk down the staircase on the other said of the room. Where he was walking down from resided an alter like table that had small trinkets from what I could see. He had his arm blade out and his Katana in his left hand, ready. He wore no armor, just a black and red leather vest with black boots and pants to match. I heard Seria distance herself from me abit, I slightly heard her bow string pull back, she was getting ready too, good. I took two steps forward as he reached our level. We were about fifty feet from each other. He tilted his head, “So, you are still persistent in fighting me?”

I nodded, “Yes…you’ll pay for the lives you’ve took…”

He laughed abit, “and your going to be the one to serve my punishment? My “Executioner?” ha…”

I nodded again, “Yes…you’ll die here today…no matter what….”

He raised his left eyebrow and laughed abit, “Right you can won’t stop me…this place is mine, I’m in control of it. I wont let nothing come to harm it. I won’t let that Dream World tarnish my Paradise. And since you’re so bent on that Dream World…I’ll have to remove you…”

“Why? Why don’t you just listen? Your Paradise? Your motives make no sense, your just a crazy kid who’s naïve and afraid. You’ve always ran haven’t you Alex….ran from real life when you found this place. I don’t blame you, it’s a great place. But what your doing is disrupting it. And in doing so it could affect our world…not that it matters since I’m died there now…so my mind and soul are trapped here, just like yours. Well until I drive my sword through your chest that is.” I stood there staring straight into his eyes, as I spoke my tone was deep and cold. I saw his face quince as a sign of anger. He tilted his head, as he spoke I could hear his anger, “I’ve never ran…what would you know huh?! This is my Paradise! Mine!” He raised his hand quickly, a large dark wave shot forth, I ran at it and quickly motioned Seria to be on guard. When I was at least ten feet from the wave I rolled to the left side, I felt the darkness zip pass me, cutting the ground. I stood and charged at Allen. He charged forward, swinging his Katana down as he brought his Arm Blade back, I quickly swung my Longsword up to catch his Katana, as we impacted he went to punch me with his Arm Blade, I swung my Scimitar and hit it to the side. We stood there, holding each other in place. I looked at him with pure hate.

“Yes…I love that look…that feeling…hatred is so….heh relaxing…”

I gritted my teeth as I pushed forward throwing him back, he quickly gains his balance, I charged forward as he went backwards. I swung my Scimitar and Longsword in a scissor like motion. He quickly raised his Katana, my blades hit of both sides, he reaches back and goes for a punch with his arm blade, I quickly jump back as I feel a small stinging go across my face. I stumble backwards and run my finger over the stinging feeling. I looked at my finger as it was covered with my crimson blood. His Katana must have nicked me as I stepped back, his blade was indeed deadly. I quickly jumped back as he charged and swung down at me, I tripped and fell, I quickly rolled backwards and back onto my feet and swung forward hitting his blade. I stepped forward and swung my Longsword down and my Scimitar up. His Katana caught my Longsword as his Arm Blade caught my Scimitar. I growled with anger and pushed against him, he laughed abit and pushed back against me. I heard a quick zip and then he quickly stepped back, I tilted my head and smiled as I saw an arrow sticking out of his right shoulder. He growled and pulled it out and looked over to Seria, I charged at him quickly, barely giving him time to react after the shot. He quickly sidestepped me and kicked me to the ground. I quickly rolled and got to my feet as I saw him charging towards Seria. I got up and charged after him. As I ran behind him a wave shot towards me, I dodged to the left. I put my Scimitar up and took out my dagger and threw it at him with ineradicable speed and strength. Allen stumbled forward as my Dagger flew and stuck the back of his left shoulder. I saw Seria fire another arrow at him, hitting him in his chest, he stumbled backwards and I quickly charged in at him. He turned towards me and whipped his left hand at me quickly, in that split second I saw a dull purple glow around his hand, I then saw a small dark wave hit my chest knocking me back to the ground. My vision blurred, my chest stung, and my head rang. I slowly stood up and charged forward again. I heard another small grunt of pain echo throughout the room. I ran towards him and Seria. Seria had rolled off to his left, I leaped towards him swinging my swords down at him, he shot a dark wave towards Seria and raised his right hand to me, it glowed a dull green. I felt a sharp breeze hit me, stopping me and throwing my back through the air and to the ground, I heard the dark wave hit the wall, I quickly stand and looked over to where Seria was. She dodged the wave and fired off two more arrows at Allen. I stood and charged at him as the two arrows hit his chest, his face full of anger. I smiled noticing his anger, it made me feel good to see him in such distress. He turned towards me and raised both hands to me, one glowed a dull yellow and the other a dull red, my eyes widen as I skidded to a stop, from his left hand a thin bolt shot fourth and at the same time his right shot fourth a small ball of fire. I had no time to react, I shut my eyes and raised my hands. I felt a dull impact, then nothing. I opened my eyes and saw Allen standing there with a looked of bewilderment. I tiled my head and looked at my arms, nothing was wrong with them, no damage, nothing. I then noticed the ring Lucia gave me. The red gem was glowing, I looked up and laughed. Allen stood there, even more angrier than before. I charged towards him, he raised his right hand to me and stepped back as two more arrows zip past him, I raised my right hand that had Lucia’s ring on it as a bolt of lighting shot fourth at me, the ring glowed as it absorbed the bolt, the impact slowed me to a stop, the bright light almost blinded me. After the bolt dissipated, Allen wasn’t standing in the same spot anymore, I quickly looked over to Seria’s direction. I charged towards him again, I saw more arrows zip past him. I ran as fast as I could, but I was too late, he swung at her she quickly stepped back and fired an arrow knocking his Katana out of his hand, he then grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up and pressed her against the wall, she struggled then began to pull another arrow on her bow, my eyes widen as he brought his right hand back, I heard movement behind me, I paid it no mind as I tried to run faster. His hand moved fast, “Noooo!!!”

My eyes widen as I saw him pin Seria to the wall, blood began to flow out of her mouth she dropped her arrow as the impact shook her, I heard the sound of metal breaking as his blade snapped of it’s bracer. He nodded then turned towards me as I finally reached him, I swung in with both blades, he brought his Katana straight down, blocking both my swords, but the force turned and knocked him back, he stumbled and jumped back as another blade swung down at him, I slightly smiled as Lucia started to assault him. I turned quickly and looked up at Seria, “Seria!!”

She shook as blood rolled down her body like small rivers, “Le..leon…heh…I got him…but he was…ugh…so fast…ahh..” she grunted in pain.

“Shhh stop talking….ah…” I looked at her in sadness, “No No I will not lose you too…I refuse to let it happen…ah” I turned quickly as I heard a large explosion, there was a large amount of smoke, I frantically looked for Lucia and Allen.


I turned quickly as I saw Allen for a split second, I raised my swords to block, I flew backwards as he hit and swung, I fell to the ground and rolled off to the left of him, back towards the middle of the room. I quickly get to my feet, he was swinging madly at me, but with precision, I raised my swords as quick as I could, blocking his ferocious assault. Each swing I stepped back, each block I pressed forward, hoping to send him off balance, he swung down then up quickly making me use both my swords to block. He then swung down, up and then twirled his Katana, twisting my left hand, causing me to drop my longsword, I watched it fall as I saw his Katana pierce my chest, I felt his blade go through my body, cleanly, like a hot knife cutting butter. I stumbled backwards as he pressed forward, causing his Katana to go deeper, I felt a great portion of it coming out of my back. I watched as the blood began to flow out and drip to the ground. I felt a small yank and then nothing as Allen let go of his Katana to dodge something, my vision blurred and I stepped back again. I looked around, my vision focused and I saw Lucia charging him. He was dodging her attacks with ease, Lucia looked in bad shape. I shook my head and stepped forward, my body started to go numb and weak. I ignored the pain and began to run towards them.  I saw Lucia swing her Greatsword down, he side stepped and in such great speed, he ran up her blade and kicked her backwards, forcing her to let go of her sword, I began to pick up speed. I then gently pulled his Katana out of my chest, the bleeding flowed even faster and in a bigger amount. I reached him and swung both swords down, as I got close I noticed that he had five arrow wounds, two in his chest, one in his stomach, and two in his right shoulder. I was amazed that he was doing so well with all that. I then swung up as he dodged my first swings, he laughed as he easily dodged my attacks. Lucia ran up past me and swung up as I swung down.  Allen rolled forward and hit me in my stomach, I felt a sharp pain and stumbled forward. I turned quickly towards him, I looked down and saw my dagger sticking out of my stomach, blood flowed out of the wound. I shook my head and looked a Lucia, my eyes widen as she struggled to stand, she was in horrible shape. Claw marks here and there, and a few slashes from Allen’s Katana and sticking of her left side was a small dagger, she quickly torn it out and threw it back at Allen, it was a sluggish sloppy throw. Allen gracefully dodged it. She ran forward at him, I stumbled backwards then pulled out the dagger and put it back in its sheath. I ran towards Allen just as he threw Lucia back against a pillar. I swung my Scimitar down and his Katana up, he quickly moved, but lifted his face. He shook his head as a small thin line of blood flowed on the top and bottom of his right eye. I nicked him, I smiled and charged at him, I then realized that her had Lucia’s sword I swung down and hit the sword, he easily pushed me off, throwing me to the ground. My body began to getter weaker. I rolled and stumbled to stand, my vision blurred then went to focus, then blurred as I saw Allen coming towards me, I fell to my knees as I failed to stand. I stumbled again to stand as I saw him swing down towards me, I went to raise my blades, my vision blurred, I shut my eyes. I felt something push me away, as I landed I heard the sound of flesh tearing. I quickly get to my feet and struggled to stand, I then gave and fell to my knees, my eyes widen as I saw Lucia sitting on he knees. Allen was behind her, her sword protruded from her back. The tip of the blade stuck out from her chest. She looked at me, she smiled as tears flowed down her cheeks, she motioned me to look down to her hands, I did so, in her hand was my dagger, I quickly look at her. She nodded and quickly turned, Allen looked down and stepped back, but was sent off balance since he was still holding the sword, Lucia shoved my dagger into his left side, right above his hip, she dug it deep into him and fell to the ground. Allen stumbled backwards and grabbed his side, pulling the dagger out growling in immense pain. I quickly stood and charged at him, “Ahhh you b*****d!!!” I screamed as I let out my anger, my hate, everything. Cat, Jack,  Craven, Seria, and Lucia. I swung at him madly, Allen began to dodge my attacks. He wasn’t moving as fast as before, I sung faster and faster letting my rage go. As I swung at him I heard a zipping noise pass me, I heard him grunt in pain as an arrow hit him in his right collarbone, I didn’t slow, I Swung my Scimitar down, and his Katana up, I saw his eyes widen as he loses all control of balance. I felt my Scimitar dig into his left shoulder and his Katana, just as clean and as smooth as I felt it, quickly went through his chest, he brought his leg up and kicked me back, I let go of both swords and fell back as I heard another zipping noise then a dull thud of its impact. I landed and stared at the ceiling and heard a slightly thud, I struggled to stand and looked over to Allen, he as on his knees gripping his left shoulder. The other arrow stuck out of his chest. He raised his right hand to the direction of where Seria was. I quickly charged at him and tackled him, I took out my dagger and rammed it into his chest. He pushed me off, as I went back, I grabbed the Katana and it cleanly pulled from his chest, I rolled and stood up as he stumble to a stand, his right arm glowed a dull red and he went to aim towards Seria again, I charged and swung up, I felt his blade cleanly cut through his stomach and stick into his ribcage, the impact caused his to angle his shot behind him, a small fire ball shot out. I ignored it and stood before him, he was on his knees, blood flowing all over him. I pulled his Katana out of him. He looked at me, “I’ve wo…”

I swung the blade down as he began to talk. I shut my eyes as I heard a small thud then another one. I stumble backwards as I heard the distant explosion from the lone fireball. I open my eyes and stared at his headless corpse. I looked over to his head and clenched my fist, gripping his Katana, I walk up and shove the Katana through the left eye, pinning his head to the floor. I looked over to where Seria was, she had gotten down of the wall. I quickly and stumblingly ran over to her. She smiled and dropped her bow and fell to her knees. I slide in next to her and caught her as she fell.


Her head rested on my blood-covered lap. She looked up at me with a smile and tears flowed from her eyes, “We… him…” her body shivered and began to feel cold.

“Shh..don’t talk…agh..not ano..another word….” I began to shake as grasped her right hand.

“We…did it Leon…”

I felt my tears run down my cheeks and I slightly smiled, “Yes…we did…”

She smiled and gently placed her left hand on my cheek, it was cold but yet warm. I felt her gently try to pull me in, I slightly smiled and let her bring my face to hers. I gently kissed her and leaned back up. She looked at me, her eye’s red from the tears, her green eyes slowed as the red brought the green out, “I..I tha..that…eh hehe…hey…Breic…your blu..shi.n…” her body shook and when limp, I gripped her hand tightly as she couldn’t’ finish what she was saying, her eyes lost color and her body felt like ice. I shut my eyes letting the tears flow, I pull her close and bury my face into her lifeless shoulder.

“No…d****t…noo…” I gently set her down on the ground and close her eyes. I sat there and stared at her, I began to feel my body go numb. I slowly stood up and stumbled abit. I looked around, I looked over to Lucia’s body and frown, my tears still flowing. I looked over to where the barrels were. I titled my head as I saw a large burn mark on the pillar near them.

“Heh…so that was your plan huh…you…agh…meant…to fire in that…direction…ha..ahaha…” I said aloud as I looked over to Allen’s corpse. I began to walk towards the barrels, there were enough barrels full of what would seem to be oil or some other flammable liquid. I looked around. I looked at the small black line that lead from the barrels to the pillar. I knelt down near it and got two chucks of stone and began to hit them together. After awhile they finally sparked and lit the black line. I began to spread to the barrels. I quickly got up and as fast as I could went over to Seria’ body. Knelt next to her and looked over my shoulder at the barrels, they were on fire now, any second now. I gently picked her body up and began to head towards the staircase up. I reached the door and heard a might explosion. I didn’t look back, I felt the ground and walls shake. I as quickly as I could went up the stairs. I came into the main room again, the estate shook as I heard the basement cave in, I then heard the upper floors begin to collapse. I began to go towards the front door. I parts of the upper floor fell around me, I quickly made it outside and stumbled abit as the house caved in. I slowed my pace and looked up, the sky was a dark blue. Like a vast ocean, not a cloud in sight, the stars glowed, the moons glowed a dull reddish gray. I began to walk forward. Passing through the small patch of woods, I began to stumble more, my body grower weaker. I kept fighting it, I wanted to get us out of this place. Shortly after I stepped out of the forest line and was back in the fields. I into them until I was well inside them, I looked around and fell to my knees. I laid Seria down neatly and gently, I then laid close to her and stared into the dark endless night sky, as I laid there, I saw a shooting star, I couldn’t’ help but laugh. I felt my body grow numb and limp. My vision blurred more, I smiled and just shut my eyes and let the darkness take me.



My eyes shot open. Everything was bright. I looked around, I was surrounded by this field of golden flowers. I stood up and saw a Cottage down the hill. I walked down towards and my eyes widen and smiled when I saw you.

© 2008 Linis Arizen

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Please say there is more to this story - I need to know what happened to Leon.... this was beautifully done my friend. You are an excellent writer - no doubt about it!! Bravo!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 17, 2008
Last Updated on March 17, 2008


Linis Arizen
Linis Arizen

The Darkness, PA

I'm new at writing, at first I loved to draw(anime), but I started writing a few small things, poems and short stories, etc. (all lost > more..

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