Ode to Moments

Ode to Moments

A Poem by Zoe Jay

Walking on a cool grey shore

You found a face in a stone

A flat grey stone

With a smooth grey surface

Polished by the sea

The pearly soft greyness

Reflecting an entire ocean

It has a soft hardness

Both stone and silk

Slightly off the circle

Heavier at one side

It nestles in your hand

Unyielding and cool

A flat grey oasis

In an undulating fleshy desert

Reflecting tiny sparkles

From the heart of some ancient fire

And in the grey depths

Faint and shadowy

As ice in the moonlight

A face…

The merest line

A cobweb of silver

A hair fine shadow

A brush of ash

On ashen silk

But yet, a face…

Perhaps your own face

Reflected back at you

Over the satellite of a thousand millennia

Or one of a billion ghost images of God

Smudges from the dawn of creation

Just waiting to be discovered

In the cool calmness

In the stillness of your mind

A grey moment

And yet quite clear -

A face.

Watching you from beyond the edge of time.

As you walk, the universe watches.

As you live, the universe breathes with you.

Stray just a millimeter from your reality

A blink, a stumble, a turn,

And you fall out of the cage

And you see the face of the world.

A moment both sudden, and eternal.

© 2013 Zoe Jay

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I love this poem as much as the others.I secretly wanted you to end with the simple stone that reflects an entire ocean but it is your poem and your poem ends perfect.But if it was my poem I would end with the simple stone that reflects an entire ocean.Perfect
On another note.I thought your spellcheck blog was funny.I hope you were not offended by my remarks'but your nickname when my hubby and I are reading is Mrs.Spellcheck,so we got a chuckle.Plus you don't come across as easily annoyed so it was like watching patients crack.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I love this poem as much as the others.I secretly wanted you to end with the simple stone that reflects an entire ocean but it is your poem and your poem ends perfect.But if it was my poem I would end with the simple stone that reflects an entire ocean.Perfect
On another note.I thought your spellcheck blog was funny.I hope you were not offended by my remarks'but your nickname when my hubby and I are reading is Mrs.Spellcheck,so we got a chuckle.Plus you don't come across as easily annoyed so it was like watching patients crack.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I shudder to think about life without any such moments...you captured it well! Great Write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is so beautiful,

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Your words carry across the world... in the wind watching... and this plea is so beautifully confessed... "The merest line... A cobweb of silver... A hair fine shadow... A brush of ash.... On ashen silk.... But yet, a face…" Beautiful depth...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

love the use of grey , that thin yet infinite line between black and white , and the stepping back of just a millimeter in perspective , enlightenment !

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The push of faith. Seeing the almighty Him in all things and not turning it away, but being aware of the world around you and that all things, whether in a fire, stone, or etched into the flat back of the sea was there for you, to watch and to enjoy before the great hammer falls.

Well done my dear, a real thinker

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on January 18, 2011
Last Updated on July 28, 2013
Tags: moments, life, appreciation, God, faith, beauty, joy, harmony, nature, face, faces, reflections, images, calmness, stillness, eternity, dimensions, universe, interpretation, meditation


Zoe Jay
Zoe Jay

Los Angeles, CA

I come from Fife, in Scotland, and I now live in Los Angeles and run a business in the music industry. I've been writing poetry for about as long as I could write! I had a poetry collection published .. more..

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