Ode to Madness

Ode to Madness

A Poem by Zoe Jay

What you gonna feel?

When they come for your soul

Cos they will take you

They will come

Are you gonna be ready for them?

When the chaos comes into the light

Cos that is when they will come

What you gonna say?

What you gonna do?

How will you live?

How will you know your own reality?

When you cannot even reach it

Can’t touch the sides of the world

Can they fix the fracture?

Will they mend this mayhem?

For these cracks will alter

For every beholder’s eye

Do you really seek their sacraments?

Is sanity really your salvation?

Is there method in this maelstrom?

In this world you know

Your definition, your reason, your identity

It has substance somewhere

Rationale in your own realm

But oh yes, they will come for you

When your world penetrates theirs

They will feel raped

They will take you

Is their madness more justified than yours?

What will you say?

When you look at this sorry madness

Demons breeding demons,

And they crowd in on you,

Not on them...

So will you run?

When they come for you...?

© 2013 Zoe Jay

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My thoughts after reading and contemplating.... Our rationale is all we have to judge ourselves by... and who is to say one person's rationale is more rational than anothers..? The obstinate few will believe they know, when they come for you it's time to go. I believe in searching for what lies beyond the cracks, as you say...

For these cracks will alter
For every beholder’s eye

...and there is something different there for each of us... but the important question really is...

Is their madness more justified than yours?

A question of the justice of 'justice' as we define it.

A fine thought-provoking and thought-probing poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I "dig" the feel this expresses, almost catastrophic . Very entertaining read, thumbs up!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I don't know about them but I'm running... eeeesh...........

Zoe, each ode I read is as good as the next. I love the one line snippet style, its right down my street. So, so, good.

It almost drove me mad.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I rather look forward to this descent into chaos. I think the species could use a good shake up, if we even survive it. I like the tale you wove here, full of doom and foreboding. Both of which are good things =)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

My thoughts after reading and contemplating.... Our rationale is all we have to judge ourselves by... and who is to say one person's rationale is more rational than anothers..? The obstinate few will believe they know, when they come for you it's time to go. I believe in searching for what lies beyond the cracks, as you say...

For these cracks will alter
For every beholder’s eye

...and there is something different there for each of us... but the important question really is...

Is their madness more justified than yours?

A question of the justice of 'justice' as we define it.

A fine thought-provoking and thought-probing poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Is there any place left to run to escape the madness? I think it is time to stop running and face the madness, to stop it if we can. Great questions, some deep meaning, something to think about here in your words.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 21, 2011
Last Updated on July 28, 2013
Tags: madness, sanity, insanity, life, values, individualism, society, imprisonment, fear, fleeing, escape, government, power play, control, conformity, non-conformity


Zoe Jay
Zoe Jay

Los Angeles, CA

I come from Fife, in Scotland, and I now live in Los Angeles and run a business in the music industry. I've been writing poetry for about as long as I could write! I had a poetry collection published .. more..

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