

A Poem by Faruque Azam

A poem about life.


A normal day in Seattle.

With normal things and normal weather

While the particles drift along

With banal tasks and duties of life

and then there was one who just stop’d

and obstructed the flow of things

He sat there and played his instrument

His device of contorting life

his apparatus of love and hate

this amazing gadget that mixed

two opposites into a vortex

this beautiful whirlpool of death

His tool used sound to entrap victims

he would instantly own their minds

He would break down all their prime morals

He completely changed them

He totally rearranged them

He took their main regulations

and shattered them like a windshield

he injected them with a liquid

a mixture called “reality”

His luring vocals was the syringe

his wonderful soundings the numbing

His lyrics the deadly venom

there is just one cure for this disease

This one equally lethal cure

he tells you the cure but no method

he said its your choice to do it

how you do it is your choice he said

the only escape from this pain

is to proclaim your cause, and yell it

then you kill yourself, in any way.

thats the only way to go out

thats the only cure for the disease

this disease called reality.

© 2013 Faruque Azam

Author's Note

Faruque Azam
This is a poem that took my 5 minutes to write and three jolly ranchers.

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I had got to be honest and assertive in everything, so what I say is just like the disease is REALITY, so I review this without flattering or else, I say what I have got to. similarly, I am not a poem eater, though I read poems, so do not misjudge me. first I very much liked the subject which is reality, and you astoundingly present it in the poem, calling reality a disease without curing is what is reality, for example death is reality that we all know it, we all will face it, but still cannot be stopped, in other words cured. the style was very good though I better prefer rhythmatic poems, but it went very easily with me. It very much reminded me of a poem I have studied in college which I dont remember the title but it was a victorian era poem about a Godpan which ruined over a shore and battered the area around, and it was approximate to it especially in content. all in all I got to say well done I read for beer and skittles and the poem beatified me. good luck to yea. the rating was 88

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 23, 2013
Last Updated on October 23, 2013
Tags: Suicide, Life, Death, Music, Reality


Faruque Azam
Faruque Azam

NC, Bangladesh

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