Forever Alone People

Forever Alone People

A Poem by ur_ginger_girl

A poem I wrote, because I have a lot of friends that dislike people. We don't have many friends, or a significant other.

Forever Alone People

We are the real 
forever alone people. 
We have no friends 
but each other. 
We sit and write, 
and talk to each other 
because that's the 
only escape that 
 we have. 

We are the forever 
alone people, who 
will never have anyone 
to love. We've accepted 
that we'll always be 
forever alone people, 
though ppl don't 

We gather in small 
groups online and 
outside. We are 
forever alone. 
We are intelligent, 
yet socially awkward. 
We are strong, 
yet we are weak. 

We are society's rejects,
 not like everyone else. 
People don't except us, 
because we are different. 
We are the real forever alone. 

© 2014 ur_ginger_girl

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I relate well to this
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Posted 6 Years Ago

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very beautiful piece about us. lonely people. you catch well that feeling what we have. and what people think about us. form of your poem have just few words with great impression. thank you---------you made it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2014
Last Updated on December 5, 2014
Tags: Forever, alone, people, sadness, depression