Common Michael

Common Michael

A Poem by Michael Reisman

The smell of a fresh mowed lawn makes me smile.
An aroma of the almost ready fries from the deep
Fryer just increases my appetite even more.
A single red rose reminds me of the perfume you
used to wear when you once lived with me.
Please return for I had lost my sense of smell.
The sound of a lawnmower woke me up one morning.
It was you there and it made me smile. The fries were almost
ready as the aroma returned. We sat together and you
held my single red rose...

[email protected]

© 2015 Michael Reisman

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I love the first line. I wouldn't use a red rose as it's become a bit of a cliché. How would you describe the aroma of the fries? Poems that hit people in the gut need imagery. I think it's a good draft and has potential. I didn't enter a rating. I'm new and I don't understand the system.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michael Reisman

9 Years Ago

It's alright, just read a few more of my works to get a bigger picture of what I am about.


all the little things we take for granted come to the fore, and oh so important it seems
when we lose the one we're used to sharing them with.. like the red rose line...adds
a romantic touch...nice work!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michael Reisman

8 Years Ago

Thank you my dear Fran for enjoying this!
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I love the first line. I wouldn't use a red rose as it's become a bit of a cliché. How would you describe the aroma of the fries? Poems that hit people in the gut need imagery. I think it's a good draft and has potential. I didn't enter a rating. I'm new and I don't understand the system.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Michael Reisman

9 Years Ago

It's alright, just read a few more of my works to get a bigger picture of what I am about.

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3 Reviews
Added on July 18, 2015
Last Updated on July 18, 2015


Michael Reisman
Michael Reisman

Eastchester, NY

My new website is My new website is My email address is [email protected] more..
