Many Words, Many Words

Many Words, Many Words

A Poem by Andrew John


Whenever I look upon his poems
I wonder: Why so many words today,
words concerning so many things, expressed
so aimlessly as if to meet a deadline?

He must have so drifted, rambled,
this way or that, who knows?
Today - or was it yesterday? -
he wrote of the creature who lives next door.

Oh, human, of course, but this is how he thinks.
This week - or was it last?
Is this the way poets work,
writing many words, throwing some away, using few?

Perhaps he astounds his own senses.
Neighbours always seem like that.
Neighbours! They always seem to be
there and here and there.

Just like these, oh so many quite odd words,
today or yesterday or tomorrow.
What rambling, meandering!
Is there no way to halt, stop, cease?

(9 Oct 2023)

© 2023 Andrew John

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if i don't write these rambling words down they nag at me for ages so like many poets before me i have notes... lots and lots of notes .

Posted 7 Months Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 9, 2023
Last Updated on October 9, 2023
Tags: words, speaking, next door, rambling, meandering


Andrew John
Andrew John

Carmarthen, Wales, United Kingdom

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A Poem by Andrew John