A Lady in the Street

A Lady in the Street

A Poem by Andrew John



This lady’s hair is so, so white,

creates an aura for that face.

Her age puts forth its beauty in the street.


She could be my charming mother,

my darling grand-mama,

that lovable great Aunt Lucy.


But I am old, and all are gone.

How easy it is to conjure memories of those

three ladies when someone passes me in the street.


(29 Feb 2024)

© 2024 Andrew John

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Sometimes it's the way thay walk or hold their head that momentarily reminds you lf som eone long gone.

I saw an old lady once wearing a lavendar coloured coat , her hair white also and it was just as i remembered my mother, i kept thinking "wonder if she got that coat from the charity shop" because i never ever til this day saw another one that colour..

Posted 4 Months Ago

Andrew John

4 Months Ago

Thank you, Stella. I did another poem about a kind of special lady - one I saw in the library, where.. read more
Andrew John

4 Months Ago

Meant to mention: you can find it here, if you're interested.
Stella Armour

4 Months Ago

Will have a look Andrew :)
In praise of older women and the ones we have loved and lost. Sometimes I see men in the street that remind me of my Dad and my younger brother, now ten years gone. The memories flood back and it’s like a double edged sword. Once I saw a man that looked so much like my Dad that I swear if he had been shorter in height like my Dad, I would have followed him:)


Posted 4 Months Ago

Andrew John

4 Months Ago

Thank you, Chris. I did have a poem on here called "Health in the Head" and it spoke of a grey, old .. read more
Same with me...aunts, grandmothers, mothers...they are now photographed in my mind and that is where they now will reside until my white hair is laid to rest.

Posted 4 Months Ago

Andrew John

4 Months Ago

Mine mentally photographed, too. I have mentioned aunts Elsie, Lucy and Olive in two poems, and Elsi.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on February 29, 2024
Last Updated on February 29, 2024
Tags: hair, whiteness, age, beauty, grandmother, aunt, mother


Andrew John
Andrew John

Carmarthen, Wales, United Kingdom

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