Of Memory & Ears

Of Memory & Ears

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

Old Times of Youth


Of Memory & Ears

A small town summer
Smiles, laughter blossoming
Youth in its own magic
The kind of convoluted memory
that takes you everywhere

Yock & his white spotless convertible
John spitting a hocker from A to B
Ted springs a joke of familiar flavor
Even old times seems to play well in my ears.

© 2019 Alfred Kukitz

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Old times.....I remember small town summers and driving in convertibles. The one I drove in was pale yellow and had an eight track tape player! Yea, I am THAT old! :) Al, your poem brought me back to a happy time. Thank you for the trip! Lydi**

Posted 4 Years Ago

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"Youth in its own magic".....that line sums up the poem perfectly for me.

Those carefree days of youth stay in our memory and senses forever, as fleeting as those days were themselves. It's a time we take for granted and like most of the best things in life, we mourn it when it has gone.

A bittersweet poem, Alfred. As long as your mind and ears remain attuned, those days will live on. I enjoyed the poem.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Thanks Sami!

We have a memory lane that sure is fun.


Posted 4 Years Ago

"Yock & his white spotless convertible
John spitting a hocker from A to B
Ted springs a joke of familiar flavor
Even old times seems to play well in my ears."

Posted 4 Years Ago

The writer is strolling down memory lane in this place and time. Remembering names can be daunting. It is all about those connections to times and places that makes life more interesting. Kudos Alfred Kubitz.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Thanks Jacob!

Youth, no Vietnam memories, friends, nothing like it. You don’t know it until it’s gone.


Posted 4 Years Ago

i remember times like these...as vividly as if i were watching slides on my dad's old projector.

Posted 4 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on November 5, 2019
Last Updated on November 5, 2019
Tags: Yock, joke, Magic, memory


Alfred Kukitz
Alfred Kukitz

Deering, NH

Yes, I'm still here. Just jazzing up my about me story. Sorry I don't die at the end. more..


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