Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Stephanie

Bare with me if its boring, still working on fixing and adding more details.


"Ambrosia Caterina Judith, wake up you pumpkin face! You're late to school" said a voice. The sound of my full name was not pleasant, I did not like it. I have always thought my parents were drunk when they came up with my name, like who the hell calls their own child Ambrosia -- if you search it up it is believe to be food/drink of the Greek Gods, to me it reminds me of french fries, don't ask why. 

There could be only one person that would call me by my full name and that was my bestfriend Ana. Since the day I met her she been nagging me to tell her my full name, and I have always said no. I guess she grew tired, and one day she slept over (by the way, worst mistake ever, she took my favorite lingerie set!) and found my birth certificate, talk about a creeper. Since then, she only uses my full name either when she's mad or excited to tell me some gossiping. 

"I'm coming, can't a woman get her beauty sleep" I said, dragging my words as they left me my mouth. 

"Go take a quick shower, you smell pretty bad" Ana said, with a priceless expression. 

It didn't take me long, to reach Pittsburch High School. As I got out the car I remember today was my first day as a Senior and I wasn't going to let anything ruin my year, specially boys. I may not have had a boyfriend in my entire life, but observing my friends relationship it has made me look deeply into love, and for me love doesn't exist. While in my head I was making metal notes on how this year nothing bad wouldn't happen, Ana snap at me.

"Jesus Christ, Ambrosia why is everybody looking at us" I didn't notice it before, but indeed they were. A couple of kids in the back started laughing, and I laugh too. That's when I realized I'm the joke. A tall blonde with her two friends passes by me, and bumps my shoulder.

"Pathetic looking brat, watch where your going! If I were you I would check on my back, enemies might stab you" Ashley said, with venom. Ashley, the stuck up Queen B of the school, who makes fun of everyone and jumps around from guy to guy. Apparently, I'm her favorite victim. 

I reached for my back and found sticky notes, with things like  I went and launched myself at the blonde, but strong hands caught me and dragged me back. 

"B***h, this is not over! Once I get my hands on you, that fake a*s weave of yours won't do you any good" I said, my anger boiling. The crowd went like "Damn, look, look its falling off". I laughed, it was pretty funny, seeing her fix her hair like maniac. I look at my waist, and said "Ana you can let go now". 

"I'm not Ana, and I prefer leaving them there, don't you think?" said the voice. 

I turn around, my heart sinking to the bottom, as I see the sexiest man smirking standing right before me. Tall, light skinned, and that spiky hair that made you want to run your hands through it. Oh my, look at that body!  I snap out of it, thinking I would never have him, and pushed back his hands off of me, and ran through the hall. I needed to get out of here. 

I found myself stopping at a nearby park, next to the library I used to go when I was little. I sank my body on the soft, looking grass, and I started thinking of how life hates me so much, that it hasn't provided me with someone for me to love. Just when I least expect it, he comes up and sits down next to me and turns his head at the direction where little kids are playing. 

A thought passes by my mind "It's like my prayers have been answered"

© 2013 Stephanie

Author's Note

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Added on December 9, 2013
Last Updated on December 9, 2013



Mars, FL

I'm 16 years old, and I'm very friendly, so if you ever want to talk im here(: I also love to read and write more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Stephanie

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Stephanie

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