Let the Mystery Be

Let the Mystery Be

A Poem by Tate Morgan

It seems we never get enough attention from all our friends We seek to play, everyday in the vain hope it never ends


David Moore


It seems we never get enough

attention from all our friends

We seek to play, everyday

in the vain hope it never ends


As writers we are a vain bunch

never satisfied with ourselves

Making wonders, of life’s blunders

that will then sit upon our shelves


From each of the great poets here

we search for that kindly spirit

Seeking such proof, tempered by truth

In hopes we can stand to hear it


We all seek the purpose of life

through our friends we each spread our wings

With each letter, we get better

from that comes the joy writing brings

There will be a wonderful bar

for all the friends that we once knew

Where all will gather, tip our hats

for the poet whose heart was true


Friends will die and leave us alone

with those things of life we can’t see

Though I know well, he'll never tell

I think I’ll let the mystery be

© 2017 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
David Moore the man who selflessly helped me publish my books and renewed my faith in Humanity passed away from cancer today. "You were a truly good soul David" This hurts, bad. I had so hoped for a different outcome for you. May we one day meet on the other side.
Goodnight my friend. .

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a very good write

Posted 11 Years Ago

i would say
this poem is a word flow drowned in sincerity of feelings....

Posted 11 Years Ago

Hard to lose good friends. We always wished we spend more time with them. Life make us crazy. We get too busy and forget the good people in our life. Good music and some wisdom to be learn in the poem. Thank you for the outstanding poetry.

Posted 11 Years Ago

It's hard when we lose someone who meant so dear to us. I agree that sometimes we just have to hope they're in a better place. Good tribute.

Posted 11 Years Ago

It's true, we will never be satisfied with our works like being a poet. We continuously find ways to improve ourselves, our styles and the way we rethink poetry for its best...
The best of it as a human being we will always be in command of ourselves to mutate into a well grown individual.

Posted 11 Years Ago

That was a beautiful poem, I recently lost a friend and it is really hard. Good poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I envy you. You experienced a friendship that many of us may never know. My work consumes my free time to almost nothing. I haven't had the luxury of "time" to make friends. But can see how these people become a reflection upon ourselves. We are who we love. I guess that's why I love and adore so many on the cafe. I thought I was alone in the world of being odd and quirky. But I came here to discover that I have many brother's and sister's. You all have become my family in a strange and special way. Don't ever forget who you are...and what you are to others. Don't stop loving...don't stop reaching out. You may never make another friend like him, but there are many of us that want to share in your life's journey...why you ask??? Because we are here...on that same damn path called LIFE!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

11 Years Ago

How endearing and beautiful that was. I am truly humbled. Yours is a great friendship to me.

11 Years Ago


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79 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on March 15, 2013
Last Updated on October 28, 2017
Tags: poetry


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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