Love Child

Love Child

A Poem by Tate Morgan

In her I saw myself one day a cold spirit needing tending And in her face I saw the way to happiness she was rending



I crossed over a young girl's path

who had stooped and bent for hours

There she escaped to love from wrath

while she tended to her flowers


In her I saw myself one day

a cold spirit needing tending

While in her face I saw the way

to happiness she was rending


Simple things of a little girl

who swayed in the breeze that came through

Tousled curls all wrapped in a swirl

crowned top a smile that the wind blew


So take the gifts that you have earned

then turn out surcease from despair

To reap the pearls others have learned

echoing childhood calls "be fair"

With pride deposed and passions slain

we hope, aspire and then on trust

Beneath vaulted skies we attain

to master life before we're dust


© 2021 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
Simple pleasures are their own reward. People we don't need 15 pairs of acid or stone washed jeans. That come in 28 different sizes and cuts. Happiness comes from needing little and giving much. If you learn to be content everything else is an unexpected joy.

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i am speachless yet it makes me sad with the children of today i reach out in prayer if i can't go that far to little spirits like that this was just so lovely it touched and Broke my heart so beautiful Life is too short to wast i will agree on that looking with a pure child like heart also helps us see the things we are blind to thats how i see life even though some of the world is currupt we can't allow the curruptness to stop us from enjoying the small littel beautiful things of life like our life early morning sun sets Beuatiful funny shapes in the clouds god gives us so amazing make our hearts smile and that little happiness and laughter is good for us make the day well worth living every day. Thank you for sharing my friend you always have such beautiful and wise words May God bless you and your family always i hope you're well and your family as well take care lily :)

By the way this is going into my favorites

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Eons ago I recall my mother saying that I was her love child. Back in the day that had a potent meaning loaded with social implications. In that same era there was found in me contentment as a toddler to amuse the self with a discarded packing box and an empty tin of powdered milk. This poem brings together the elements of simple joyous living. Makes one ponder on where has it all gone. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

2 Years Ago

Frederick I look at my grandchildren on their tablets playing mindless games then I take the tablets.. read more
Red Brick Keshner

2 Years Ago

That is the best use of time specially now that there are too many distractions that are to say the .. read more
Tate Morgan

2 Years Ago

Exactly I don’t teach them to seek entertainment I teach them to question and learn
Yes, they are, and you are so right with the words and feelings in this poem. A subtle smile I render. :)

Posted 2 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

2 Years Ago

Thank you falcon We are becoming such a narcissistic privileged entitled society. We have forgotten .. read more
The lesson here for me is that simple pleasures can give the most happiness. Children do not need expensive toys to play with, they can be happy with the basics. I can remember my young brother playing drums with pots and pans and getting a big kick out of it. He was content and surely life would be so much better if all could be content. Another accomplished write here Tate. All good wishes.


Posted 2 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

2 Years Ago

Hi Chris That is the lesson. Children don’t need toys to do all the thinking and playing for them.
Sometimes it takes us part of a lifetime to realize that we can be happy with so little. Happiness is a choice and comes from within. I choose to be happy each day and, to find happiness in little things. My poem, What She Really Wants, speaks to living one lifestyle but, really wanting another. I have been trying to purge my "things" for the past year. I am not tied to this "stuff" so....don't need it. You have a beautiful way with words to get this point across. I am glad I had the opportunity to read this. Thank you, Temp

Posted 2 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

2 Years Ago

Nice of you to stop by. It was good to meet you. I will take a look at your work

2 Years Ago

My pleasure and, thank you.
Oh my, there is such a thing as a "mastery" of life? I'm certain I shall never attain it. I'm still in awe of butterflies and caterpillars. (smile) Your poem was a pleasure to read. Bless.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

6 Years Ago

Fabian I am glad to see you Thank you. I too wish to master life. I know it an impossibility But pe.. read more
This is wonderful Tate and so true. I'd rather give tenfold than receive. The pleasure is both immense and gratifying bringing the content naturally.
Thanks for sharing x

Posted 9 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

9 Years Ago

Thank you Barb I so agree it is always its own reward thank you
Enjoyed your today..I am glad that I chose this one to read ...We can learn from watching children about simple pleasures in life and being spontaneous..Sara

Posted 10 Years Ago

Sunflower/Sara Kendrick

10 Years Ago


Ahhh!! I hope that this has been a great day for you and an even better evening.... read more
Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

it has been sara i have done well today and passed my physical with flying colors
Sunflower/Sara Kendrick

10 Years Ago


Great news that you passed your physical..I probably hadn't passed one in a few y.. read more
Like everything from you, this is absolutely breath taking. You are quite right...we tend to hoard more than we need...while others go without.
And then we dare to wonder why there is so much suffering in the world....

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Yeah we wish for things we dont need thank you Breathtaking huh lol Thanks My ego needed that lol W.. read more
Wonderful piece. Could be made into a story also. Rhymes so well, fluid to the next. Thank for the read.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

thank you rose
We learn from everyone when we allow ourselves to listen, this is a moving poem. Those with the least have by far the most to give. Well done!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Tate Morgan

10 Years Ago

Isnt that the god honest truth. And so we find that they do give more than rest

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98 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 14, 2010
Last Updated on September 18, 2021
Tags: Poetry, Phylosophy, Life, Sad, adventure, mystery, pain, poem, romance, story, death, fantasy, fiction, heart, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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