

A Poem by Tate Morgan

Therein lies the conundrum which we know our hearts to command Now it will be for us to see how well the ship of life be manned


Son Tate and Daughter Aris

A special gift lies on the wind

for each man who dares the blunder

Then rolls the dice to pay the price

to both touch and feel this wonder


As then one finds the reason why

that has thus far been so hidden

Endless the loads that walk life’s roads

with the fear that was unbidden


Therein lies the conundrum

which we know our hearts to command

Now it will be for us to see

how well the ship of life be manned


Our lives have no greater calling

then to comfort a poor child’s tears

Truth shows clearer through the mirror

for he who shares these hopes and fears


But oh the sounds of fatherhood

how narre they touch to the heart

Laughter and tears pour from the years

for each of us who play his part


© 2022 Tate Morgan

Author's Note

Tate Morgan
Life doesn't reveal the secrets of the heart until you look in the eyes of your own child!
One thing I can say about children is that no one can take them from you. If you raise them in love they will be the things of beauty by which you judge yourself and find you're not wanting. Happy Fathers Day all!

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I have yet to experience this wonderful wonder; but I see how my brother stands stead for his family. The worries he is starting to show around his eyes as his two girls grow, and his son is growing in his wives belly. For he knows it is up to him to raise these children; he works so hard to give them it all, from working from light till dark, to playing with dolls. He is a wonderful father! I then look in my father's eyes as he sees how my brother lives for his family, and I can see his pride shining through. I hope to someday feel this joy, like you said, "Our lives have no greater calling."

Fine Write my friend!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Strong and uplifting. While I have never known such a connection, I realize the importance and how such can affect a child all the days of their life. Bravo for this, wonderfully penned...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Tate, this is beautiful. I am from a family of 9 children and life was a blast when we were growing up. Dads are so important in a child's life, I thank God for the wisdom and strictness mine had..Too many children grow up without dads today..good write..Kathie

Posted 13 Years Ago

i believe that each line is blessed with inspiration... great job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

"Therein lies the conundrum
which we know our hearts to command
Now it will be for us to see
how well the ship of life be manned"

I don't see the point in critiquing your poems. I can't really point out any flaws or corrections or betterments. Everytime, it's just 'Great Tate! It's awesome!'. :)

Keep writing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

its amazing, how many fathers don't realize what a gift it is to have children.
the line
"Our lives have no greater calling
then to comfort a poor child’s tears"
this line made me cry.... so beautiful!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I think the poem's sentiments are right on the money...there is no greater gift and responsibility than being a dad. I have five children and two grandchildren...what a rush...
just a suggestion...if you read it out loud, there are a couple places where the cadence gets bunched up.
I read my own out loud and it often is the case that I have to shuffle the words around a tad...
I love the poem, though...

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was sweet!..For those that brave the challenges of fatherhood.
"But oh the sounds of fatherhood
how narre they touch to the heart"...
It takes a special person to be a dad and not just a figure head. Nicely done!...by the way...I heard you got groupies....(Chuckle!) ...and that's why YOU'RE the MAN!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Lovely poem of true fatherhood when so many these days unfortunatley don't stick around for the hard times and thus miss out on the best bits of parenting. Love the photo too.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Having been one of those jerks who was not around for his Son, I can only do the Father thing from the view of an outsider.
I have found that the greatest reward of procreating, even when you wait till your child is a Man before you start exhibiting parenting skills, is when one sees they are happy.
And I cherish those moments when I see myself in his actions or ways.

And even though it was the right thing for me to do to be away from the entire responsibility, and even though people said I was a heartless madman and I was acting in some form of revenge.
It didn't matter, I did what I wanted to, and I never passed a day wishing I would have done things differently so as to have been a Good Father.

Through no fault of his own, Talon was dragged through the proverbial endless dramatic short term catastrophes what were the inclinations of his mother. Plus he didn't have a father, and I am in a way of knowing he had difficulty finding the guidance he needed.
But ya know what, he is over that now, and we are fixing stuff.
It's different for him, but it seems like only yesterday he was following me around everywhere, demanding explanation, and elaborating on his world...
Just like his Dad.
I guess that is my review.
Your poems always make me think things over, Sir.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is a wonderful way to describe fatherhood. I give any man honor who steps up to the plate and helps raise their child whether they are married, divorced or neither. I am a single mother doing it on my own with no help from my son's father and I respect those whom take the time to love and nurture their children and be in their life as a positive roll model. The flow is smooth in this poem and the emotions come shining through clearly.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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113 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on January 12, 2011
Last Updated on June 19, 2022
Tags: poetry, Life, romance, love


Tate Morgan
Tate Morgan

Marion , OH

Available from Amazon XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I am a product of the Midwest. Raised on the plain states of North America. I was nurtured on a .. more..

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