Rain Drops

Rain Drops

A Poem by Sports Girl

The sky has opened wide on the world below

It creates puddles as it drenches the ground

They’re playing a beautiful song as they drop

Its words draw me in and make me listen


They keep playing with all my emotions

Rain drops start to fall from my eyes

The pace of mine match those from the sky

Calling me to join them outside


I need you but you’re nowhere to be found

I give in and go sit on the ground

The droplets make a blanket around me

Where are you when I really need you


The energy is quickly draining from me

I start getting tired and lay down

Tears from the sky continue to play


My eye lids slowly begin to close

My body starts to relax and calm down

My mind begins to slow down and turn off

I can’t feel the blanket around me anymore

I can’t hear the song being sung


I have no idea where I am

I see you sitting next to me why

Why do you look so sad and hurt

My mind starts to race everywhere


There are little wet patches on your clothes

What is going on right now

Finally the things I remember rush back in

I remember falling asleep under the wide open sky


I stop and listen to you speaking to me

I hear you saying that you should have never left

You keep saying you’re sorry over and over

Small drops fall from your face as I get pulled away

The last thing I heard was…… I love you

© 2010 Sports Girl

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quite a write. It hitsa you aas a universal. in your heart love always remains

Posted 13 Years Ago

this put a lump in my throat because i've been the recipient of this

Posted 13 Years Ago

I liked it. I don't care if it's cliche. Hurt is hurt, and it needs to be let go. Keep up the writing, because it is good.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very good poem. I like the twist using the rain and human tears. The poem story was strong. Sometime dreams lead us in the right direction. A excellent poem. I like the ending.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Cliche to say the least. I gotta disagree with what Kristina said on this being incredibly unique. It seems like something I've read many times before, with the heartbreak and the rain and the longing and needing for your significant other... sounds like something you've probably read before too, no? I think you can do better, you have the prose and the meter, but I think the rhyme scheme is holding you back. Try to break free. My two cents.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this was very sweet and lovely.BRAVO my Friend i love the rain it tis a
beautiful healer a beuatiful Blessing god has put on earth when the plants need water and we need that clamness seems it happens when i hear the thunder Roar in the clouds in the heavens it's music to my ears just as the rain i Used to think was the Angles making a strick in the heavens when they was bowing haha my mother and grandpa told me that and i was never afraid of storms i love them ever so but i know it's the Lord in heaven upon his throne watching over us protecting us like a tall shade of the mighty trees. Thank you for sharing hope you have a blessed day god bless lily

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is a truly unique and deep emotional piece that you have written here. The ending wasn't what I expected but I can relate to this for I left someone so I wouldn't stand in their way of moving home. At the time I left the person I truly loved them and still do to this day. The last words I said were I love you. My story continues but that isn't what this is about. You painted a sad picture and allowed the reader to feel your emotions through the carefully selected words in this poem. I love the blue font for it plays into the sad emotions and the rain as well.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Rain...it washes away our sins and cleanses our soul, and covers us with a blanket of nourishment and hope...the grass is always greener after a rain.

Great write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

rain always play an insignificant role in my life...

Posted 13 Years Ago

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 7, 2010
Last Updated on December 28, 2010


Sports Girl
Sports Girl

Hampton, NH

Well the last time I came on here was 3 years ago and I was 16. Now I'm 20 and at lot has changed, but a lot also hasn't changed at all. I'm now in college with a major for businesses administration w.. more..

Love Love

A Poem by Sports Girl

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