Josie's Revenge

Josie's Revenge

A Story by Alewis

Josie has multiple personality disorders( only two) and she kills children to get her revenge on her lost child. also something for my creative writing class.


I’m in my bed, but I’m numb all over. I tried to move my arms, but they were strapped down along with my legs. There were five people standing around me with weird looking equipment. I tried to see what they were doing. One of them took out a sharp scalpel and began cutting my stomach open. I screamed for them to stop. They ignored me and continued. There was nothing I could do but watch and scream. I watched as they lifted my daughter from the womb. She didn’t cry or move. I cried for the loss of my daughter.


     I wake up to that dream every night. I remember how my parents hired people to ambush me and abort my child. I was 16 when it happened. It’s been a year since that happened and I walk around with the ragged scar across my stomach reminding me of her. A few days after the forced abortion, I went a little crazy. I go around and kill other’s kids. I do it out of peer hatred for those who took mine away from me.

     I went into my nursery. The nursery had blue and pink walls for boy and girl. There were jars with hearts of the children I had killed. The walls were covered with newspapers of when they had either went  missing or were found dead in their house. I grabbed my notebook. It held all the names of the dead children. I was on my way out to do the next kill. I found the address I was looking for and put the notebook in my pocket.

     The door bell rang a few seconds after I walked out the room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I put the brass key in my bra where I wouldn’t lose it. The person kept ringing my door bell. I groaned to myself and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and my best friend Marcus was standing there. Why did he choose now to appear at my door? I sighed and unlocked all the bolts from top to bottom and opened the door to let him in.

     “Hey what’s up?” he asked. I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot.

     “I was on my way out before you showed up,” I snapped. He rubbed the back of his head and looked around. Why was he even here?

     “I came by to check up on you to see how you were holding up,” he said. This was typical Marcus. We known each other since I was in 1st grade and he was in 3rd. he always had my back when the other kids started to call me names and tease me about my illness.

    “I’m fine,” I sighed again.  I really needed to get him out of here before he asked about the locked door.

    “Well I can see you aren’t Josie right now so who took over this time?” he asked. I pushed him against the door and held my knife at him. Even if I wasn’t Josie right now, he had no rights to bring it up. I was being a different me right now. My mind told me to be defensive against Marcus and to protect myself.  I shook my head and let go of Marcus and walked around him.

    “I’m Josie and I’m leaving right now so you should go too,” I walked out the house and went straight to my car. I never glanced back to see if Marcus was already gone. Right now I didn’t even care.

      I drove to the next town over and parked in front of a small house. The lights were on in the front. There were only three people walking around. I got out of the car silently and walked through the back. They didn’t even hear me climb through the window. I was in the baby’s room and the door was closed. There was a towel on the rocking chair that was just used. They had just put the baby to sleep. I locked the door and began what I did best. I took my back pack off and took out an empty jar. I pulled the knife out of my pocket and walked over to the baby. He was a small chubby thing with almond eyes. He wasn’t asleep at all. His face began to scrunch up but I shushed him. I held the knife up and stabbed the baby multiple times. Blood splattered across the room and on my clothes. His blood was warm against my skin. I lifted his heart and put it in the jar. I then took out the fake baby doll and placed it where he was. This was my signature. I’d replace the real baby with a doll that had no eyes. I picked up the dead baby and stuffed his body into the bag and unlocked the door. I climbed out the window and snuck back to my car. The parents were oblivious to what had just happened. They never paid attention to me sitting there watching them. The mother walked to her son’s room and flicked on the light. Her scream was music to my ears. I watched as everyone else ran in after her. I smiled to myself as I drove away.


     I felt bad when I arrived home. Marcus had left me seven messages on the phone. I unlocked the nursery and added my new jar of hearts. It was time to start on the next kill would be in another state. I moved from town to town to do my killings, but this house was where I kept all my hearts or children.  I removed the dead child from my bag and laid him on the floor. I grabbed the bag of stuffing from the drawer and began to stuff the baby’s wound. I did this with all the dead children and would put them in the second nursery.

     My cell rang moments later. I looked at the ID and it was Marcus. I hit the end button and threw the phone in the corner. I walked over two doors down into the second nursery. It was exactly the same as the first one but was bigger. I put the almond baby in a crib next to the others. I rocked him back and forth before putting him, kissing his forehead. I turned the night light on and walked to the door.

      “Goodnight my children…sleep tight,” I shut the door.


      A week later someone began following me. I don’t know who he was or what he wanted, but I saw him everywhere. He made it hard to do the kills with him sitting around everywhere. I hadn’t killed in a couple of days and was dying to get back to it. I peeked out the window and his car wasn’t there. That was a first. I had wondered if Marcus had hired someone to follow me. I shook my head. He would never do that to me. Marcus always understood to give me space when I needed it. 

     I grabbed my jar of money and bag and locked the door. I was going to the park to kidnap someone. I checked up and down the street to make sure no one was around. The investigator was nowhere in sight.  I was freaking out on the way to the park. I checked my rear view mirror every five minutes making sure I was alone. When I got to the park there was a birthday party just like the flyer I had passed a couple of days ago had said.  There were at least over 20 kids here today. Some were wondering off away from their parents, perfect for me to just come out of nowhere and snatch them up from behind. The thing about this park there was a lot of trees around. It looked almost like a jungle because the trees were so tall and close together. I parked closer to the trees and got out the car taking the money with me. The easiest way to bribe a kid was to give them money or candy. I walked over to one kid playing with a ball alone. She was bouncing it up and down. The girl was at least 4 years of age. I called her over and she came willingly.

     “Do you like money?” I asked her. She nodded, her chocolate swirls bouncing. “You have to come with me first, and then I’ll give it to you.” She nodded again. We walked deeper in to the forest ground until we were far away from the others. She gave me a wide grin. I gave her all the money like I promised.

     “Thank you!” she shouted. I shushed her. She turned around and started bouncing the ball again. I watched for a couple of minutes, until an image appeared in my head.

      I was sitting in a field of green grass blowing in the wind. From the distance was a small girl, age five. Her hair was black as coal and her eyes a dark forest green. She had pink rosy cheeks, when she smiled two dimples appeared. She was laughing and running around chasing a squirrel and other animals. She turned towards me and stopped.

     “Look mommy, they’re everywhere!” she pointed to a group of squirrels gathered together in the distance. I smiled back at her.

     I shook my head and looked back at this young girl standing before me. She reminded me of the girl I just saw, my unborn daughter. I couldn’t bring myself to take this child’s life. I grabbed her hand and led her back to the party. When we arrived her mother screamed and ran to us.

     “She was far into the forest. I was sitting around when she showed up. I thought I should bring her back before she hurt herself.” I told her. She mouthed a thank you at me and I just nodded. I walked away fighting tears.

     The investigator somehow found me on my way back. I cursed to myself and slowed down I pulled over and climbed out the car.  He did the same. When he stepped out, he walked closer until he was only a couple of feet away. I glared at him.

      “What do you want? Why are you following me?” I asked him.

     He removed his hat before answering, “Your friend Marcus asked me to look after you to see if you were okay.”

     My face twisted. “Marcus sent you to stalk me?”

     “Yes. He is doing it because he cares about you.” I shook my head. No one cares about me at all. I survived on my own with no help at all. If Marcus cared, he would have been there when I needed him most, but he wasn’t so I relied on no one. I turned my back on the man and headed back to the car.

     “Do me a favor and tell Marcus, I don’t need him worrying about me at all. I’m just fine on my own,” I told him before sliding in. I drove off without looking back.

     At home I couldn’t stop thinking about the little girl at the park. She reminded me of a girl that I would never get to know. I walked into the nursery of hearts and stared at each and every one of them. On my wall was a blow up picture of the first sonogram I had of my baby. I stared at it for a few minutes tracing her head. I busted into tears.  After minutes of useless crying I pulled myself together. I would do one more kill in honor of baby Matilda.


     “Josie, what I have I said about your horror stories?” I was in the group therapy session at the hospital.  I looked at the therapist and slit my eyes. He was starting to thin on the top of his head. I looked around at the other patients sitting around me. Their eyes were bulging out of their heads.

     “My story isn’t horror. It’s the truth. I stood up and lifted my white shirt. Along the bottom of my stomach was a huge ragged scar going across. Everyone around gasped at me then turned silent.  Even the therapist eyes looked the other way. I snorted and put my shirt down.

     “That’s it. This session is over. I’ll see you in a couple of days,” he stood up and walked away.


     I walked back to my room in silence. The nurse opened the door to let me in. She closed it locking me in and walked away. I sat on my bed remembering the last kill I did. I’d say it was my best by far. I’ll never forget the blood curdling scream from the mother. Her face was as red as a cherry. Her make-up running down her face, in streaks of black mascara; I had killed her only son.

     I watched as she stepped into her home and saw the blood splattered walls. I had taken her son and tied him to the ceiling fan after cutting a huge gash in his chest. I had turned the fan on full speed. Lying on the ground was my signature, a baby doll with no eyes. Her expression was priceless.

     “Josie?” I snapped out of my daydream to look at my nurse.

     “What?” I snapped at her. She stepped further into my room. She took a deep breath and grabbed the small drawing pad on the table. I should have warned her not to open it, but I didn’t. Her eyes grew wide and almost popped out of her head.

     “Its supper now, then you’ll need to take your meds.” She threw the book down on the desk. I sneered. She paid no attention, and held the door open. I stared at her for a few seconds, before I picked up my baby doll. I cradled her close and went on my way.

© 2011 Alewis

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Creepy, creepy, creepy! Josie sure is Kray!

This was an interesting read and I liked that it was something different from the others I have read on here...The twist in the middle was a nice touch...I wasn't expecting it at all

This is the kind of story that messes with the reader and makes them want to know what's happening, kind of like a Shutter Island or Inception styled writing (I LOVED Inception, Hated Shutter Island). I'm also interested in knowing what is one the drawing pad

Another good thing was the imagery. From start to finish I could see all this in my head as if I was watching a movie. Another thing was you have a very good and fitting title for this work

Overall I really enjoyed this and anticipating more from it...Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I know a girl named Josie who is a jerk, so this is a bit ironic I guess? Good story though, VERY creepy. I liked the unique idea.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Creepy, creepy, creepy! Josie sure is Kray!

This was an interesting read and I liked that it was something different from the others I have read on here...The twist in the middle was a nice touch...I wasn't expecting it at all

This is the kind of story that messes with the reader and makes them want to know what's happening, kind of like a Shutter Island or Inception styled writing (I LOVED Inception, Hated Shutter Island). I'm also interested in knowing what is one the drawing pad

Another good thing was the imagery. From start to finish I could see all this in my head as if I was watching a movie. Another thing was you have a very good and fitting title for this work

Overall I really enjoyed this and anticipating more from it...Keep it up!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

"Her make-up running down her face, in streaks of black mascara. I had killed her only son." You could have linked these two sentences with a ";" and same goes for this sentence "A baby doll with no eyes." It could have gone either way with the sentence before or after; don't make any unnessary sentences or puncations in general.
As for the story itself Oh man wow. The creativity behind this I was invited in to this story, and how you entered the mind of Josie was wonderful. Its hard for most people to think out of the box but, you did it well with descriptions that were almost vivid and How at the end when you jumped to this being just a story of her life but, not taking place may loose some but, it was inventive and I liked it. In other words this was a spectacular and well written story that truly sent chills down my spine as I entered Josie's twisted world of revenge; well done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The emotion that you gave Josie was definitely something that was all over the place but you did do a good job on displaying them. To me the story was a bit too... direct, too much of just telling and not enough showing. Also, though I'm not an expert in anyway, I saw less of a multi-personality disorder and more of Post traumatic stress disorder. Though you did do a good job, I think that there were some parts that could have been filled in.

Keep sending me stories!

Posted 12 Years Ago


Posted 12 Years Ago

i like Josie. the name itself is lovely. like the story. it was very well written.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wooahhh, This is an extremely creepy story but, i like those kinds of stories. The keep me wanting to read more and more. Great job keep up the creepy and creative work.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This has a solid flow but a strong narrative voice that gives it such overwhelming strength that it demands attention. I liked it. ^^*

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

last sentence, first paragraph. Loss of my daughter. Not lost of my daughter.

11th paragraph. Climbed through the window. Not wind.

OK, that's creepy! I was intrigued by the name because my name is Josie, so I wanted to read it. Out of curiosity, why'd you choose Josie? And I promise, I'm nothing like that.

Very well written. I would like to know what's in the drawing pad though, although, if it's really creepy, I'm not sure I want to know. Also, what happened to her and Marcus? Did they never talk to each other again, or what? Like I said before, very well written, I saw a few mistakes, and mentioned a couple of them. With a simple edit, I know you'll find them all. Only suggestion, make it a little less creepy. I was getting kinda hopeful when she was in a therapist group, but it's still a really good story, and captivating.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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9 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on October 11, 2011
Last Updated on December 17, 2011




i write stories about supernatural or jusst mabe once a normal setting more..

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