Letter to my 12 ****Children

Letter to my 12 ****Children

A Poem by axel

a fathers advise to his loving children


Letter to my 12 ****Children:
My children your loving mother ,Mariane ,said to me with her maiden breath
be the mirror at which our children look at life
like a goddess she proclaimed  
let your roads be rough and full of strive
though we wish seek for things and do not find
make be contented with struggle well and kind
when thy be on a quest , do your best and leave to the almighty the rest
so to you my precious ones ,i write ,take heed
be caring and full of good deed for your elements are Earth ,Wind , Water and Fire,
but let love be your number one and pacesetter
to my 12 children i write :
let your target be the moon,
do not give up and fret too soon
consider every err as a false start
for you will have your place amongst the stars
Primus the unique
you strive to be unique,
it may seem an unfair share is all you seek,
you may sometimes be considered as queer,
do not despair
my child ,for your wish and devotion to understand the study of life,
is to  help all  distressed and in strife

Segunda the worried
your ways my child,kindle every loving heart,
ever ready to sacrifice and let peace reign from a start,
every stand made is called a choice
this is remembered and called your voice
,but life is not a fantasy, this you will soon learn,
as other strive and seek to earn
live in loving peace with all men

 Terzus the ambitious
dont let your over zealous urge to heard and seen be snag,
to those who seek know and  understand,
all have a path ,
all have a say and that is the fact,
we are ahead to serve and obey
please my child be cautious, there is always another day

Quartus the concerned
you desre to  emancipate all present ,
 follow your instints and be eloquent
 take heed whilest you choose
for all enemies of your friends are automatically considered as enemies,
but please remember well,an allys folly is better considered as poison to the belly

Quintus the waivering
your intense curiosity towards lifes everchanging rhtym,
 and your unconventional methods of making right every season
poeple  around you look up to you,for your patience says not what you conquer
seek to be punctual in all lifes works and please apply a lot of vigor

Sextuz the reliable
your unwaivering confidence and assuring finess
 make all look up to you an query your justness
 but you are always wary and select
from only things which you consider elite
 you consider deepthings and seek to subdue the normal
but i remind you my child,not everything under the sky is summal

Septimuz the  over-zealous
the flare in your attitude and your desires to be adored
lead to vain pursuits only fit to be scorned by lords
you are , THAT, you are
i know, but seek to be more than a mascarade

Octimuz the considerate
you meditate silently towards all your actions
 and wait in line for you seek to sanction
heed me ,dont wait too long as a pace has been set ,and you will be left in a place full of debt
 Nunu the schemer
your farous and sometimes devious schemes are a part you,
be reassured there is more to life winning  and blues,
being oneself is better than trying to be everybody esle
look ahead,my child, be yourself

Decimus the proud
i ponder at your stubborn and unrelentling attitude,
winning is not everything my child,
be careful what you wish for ,dont let pride be your guide,
for it might just be granted you,
and leave all vanity of your choice to darkness and to you

 Onzimuz the demander
your particular obssesive aims, make others fret at your proposals,
your reactions are sometimes queer at refusals
 for you the sky is not the limit ,
and you settle for nothing but the summit

Douzimuz  the elaborate
you keep your head up high,
you pursue excellence,look at the sky
you seek to be my favourite,but i love you all in the same manner,
look a blacksmith , iron and a hammer

12 months, 12 zodiac signs , 5 elements

© 2012 axel

Author's Note

please indicate which of my children you are or best describes you
start fromzodiac sign of january, thanks

My Review

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I really loved this Axel.

You're wise, to write about your 12 ones.
It's just so beautiful astrologic.
You think further....
I have once written a poem...
This song, belongs also here.



Posted 11 Years Ago

I think I'm Quartus, fourth (Aries).
Don't know if I agree with the enemy part, I tend not to judge people. I am very close to being Taurus though, and I can see some aspects of Quintus in my acting.

Your language here is somewhat hard to follow sometimes, but it's a very impressing piece.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

well then Yheela, you just got served! lol
It's interesting but grammer issues didnt make reading it very smooth. I love the naming of the children. I'm a Gemini, gues it's the sixth child.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Yup, full on me.

11 Years Ago

good ,do what you have to do

11 Years Ago

Will do just that.
Great poem. :) I'm Segunda, in some small sense. :) Lol. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

thats ok , know this about yourself and bring the best out of yourself,cheers
I think I'm a combination of segunda and Quintas? Does this perhaps say something about who I am, I wonder?
Very good poem, nice read - got me thinking :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

dear enid blake if you agree to be a combination of segunda and quintus, then you really have to chn.. read more
stubborn and unrelentling ,
winning at all costs,
be careful what you wish for ,
for it might just be granted you,
and leave all vanity of your choice to darkness and to yops take my advise ,cheers

Posted 11 Years Ago

I think I'm Decimus haha. This was nicely written :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

stubborn and unrelentling ,
winning at all costs,
be careful what you wish for ,
.. read more
Cleverly done!
Possibly for me it would be Quintus..though with elaboration lol
Awesome work xo

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

dear Quintus
life is- everchanging ,
your unconventional methods of making right ever.. read more

11 Years Ago

thanks xoxox

11 Years Ago

Most welcome :)

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8 Reviews
Added on August 16, 2012
Last Updated on August 16, 2012
Tags: 12 months, 12 zodiac signs, 5 elements



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