I Am Only Human

I Am Only Human

A Poem by Nic Murray

"I do not know what I will do. Or who I will be. Only what I am"

Misery empowers the mind as much as it burdens the soul,
And I, the lonely keeper of souls let their restlessness embody my emptiness.
I look upon the skin-like shades of raw, brittle ropes that twitch with eager tongues to lap at the necks of those willing to fail. 
I envision my own failure and know that I am caged. Bound and sealed for the world to look upon with constant loathing as disgust overwhelms the pity.
But I am only human.

I know the paths my errors take, the form, shape and smell of my sins, the very peak of loss within oneself that leaves only the evermore pitiful feeling of fear.
I have looked in terror at the reflection that reflects, the reflection that reveals and haunts, and as much as I long to turn my eyes down, I do not look away, I feast upon the memory that is my body and eat at every part with both suffering and delight.

I gorge on the pain that sears from the centre and let each vein and nerve transport the tender feeling to infect every inch of my being. 
I am both the keeper and prisoner of my own mind, 
And I starve for the freedom of release and beg my own itching fingers to prevent any more of anything.
I am lost.

I give up fighting the enemy that is myself and let my enemy define me. I am lost. Forever fighting, for what is already lost.

© 2013 Nic Murray

My Review

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This was the first piece of yours I've read, and I was quite impressed, Nic.

"Misery empowers the mind as much as it burdens the soul."

"I am both prisoner and keeper of my own mind."

These two lines stood out the most to me. So much truth in these words, very relatable. Overall the poem had very good imagery and emotions that were heartfelt. Much more than just words. Great job! Definitely looking forward to reading more of your work, and seeing you get the recognition you deserve for this beautifully written piece.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nic Murray

11 Years Ago

I was honestly so thrilled to read your review on my work, whenever I write I tend to use my own fee.. read more

11 Years Ago

Always my pleasure. When I read I tend to look less at the technical aspect and more at the emotiona.. read more


Brilliant and psychological write, reminds me of what is said to be "predestination" and faith...No one can escape from his own self and his own mind and soul...as many religion states - soul is eternal spark inside...I love the way you express your thoughts, it makes me realize the truth...Really powerful!
I am both the keeper and prisoner of my own mind,

Yes, but also I`m in the labyrinth of the choices, and decisions, which is never ending and repeating again! So I could make myself free- as much as it`s possible inside prison of the body and reality- and make my soul to be free...At least that is a choice, to not be lost.

-- nour --

Posted 10 Years Ago

You really catch the reader's attention with a tantalizing first line and the piece holds together very well. Wonderful work!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nic Murray

11 Years Ago

thank you friday! ^-^ this is really great to hear, I am truly so thrilled you liked the poem!
This was the first piece of yours I've read, and I was quite impressed, Nic.

"Misery empowers the mind as much as it burdens the soul."

"I am both prisoner and keeper of my own mind."

These two lines stood out the most to me. So much truth in these words, very relatable. Overall the poem had very good imagery and emotions that were heartfelt. Much more than just words. Great job! Definitely looking forward to reading more of your work, and seeing you get the recognition you deserve for this beautifully written piece.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nic Murray

11 Years Ago

I was honestly so thrilled to read your review on my work, whenever I write I tend to use my own fee.. read more

11 Years Ago

Always my pleasure. When I read I tend to look less at the technical aspect and more at the emotiona.. read more
this was absolutely beautiful, love it. keep writing :) you deserve more attention for your skills

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nic Murray

11 Years Ago

one of the loveliest reviews I have ever gotten, I appreciate this so unbelievably much, thank you ;.. read more
Sam Sin Sepultura

11 Years Ago

no problem :) you deserve it
I like your take on this write... but the way you have the lines here can be reworked... to give this a more lively feel to the reader... The flow is disrupted with the arrangement... seems the words are jammed together so to speak...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nic Murray

11 Years Ago

thank you so much for your helpful comments I will take my structure and arrangement into more consi.. read more
This is really good. The entire poem is eye catching.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nic Murray

11 Years Ago

thanks so much, really lovely to hear!
I love that you know the form shape and smell of your sins ... really amazing this was fantastic .

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nic Murray

11 Years Ago

your review was just awesome, thank you so much I appreciate your words more than I can say!

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7 Reviews
Added on May 7, 2013
Last Updated on May 7, 2013
Tags: pain, depression, bulimia, disorder, human, life, suffering, struggle, conflict, enemy, lost


Nic Murray
Nic Murray

London, United Kingdom

im 18, half dumpling half english, im an aspiring artist, musician and actress, i love black coffee, green tea, disney, 40s jazz music, taking risks, living life passionately & ambitiously with no reg.. more..

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