I Hurt

I Hurt

A Poem by Nic Murray

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

When the world's on your shoulders,
And the stress on your mind,
The nails sinking so deep,
That they cut through your spine,

The despair in your eyes,
The depth of the sorrow,
Sifting deep into your core,
Leaving you empty and hollow,

The guilt from your anger,
You feel yourself come undone,
But the world keeps on moving,
And each life's web is spun,

As I turn to find nothing,
By looking to my right,
I try erasing your voice,
And your image from my sight,

I remember the fingers,
That ran through my hair,
They've abandoned and left me,
And I hurt cause I care,

And now as I run,
Shards of crystal drip down my face,
I've lost sense of reality,
Of time and of place,

The thrashing of the sounds,
The ringing in your ears,
The echoes in your mind,
The stinging of the tears,

But as my hands grab your heart,
And I feel you hold mine,
Electricity seeps through us,
Our lives now entwined,

But you don't have the pain,
That it takes to hurt,
You're blind to the sadness,
Of what makes caring worse.

© 2013 Nic Murray

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Parting is such a drag. No way around it. You've described it to a 't'.

Electricity...true, true.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Ouch!!! I feel your pain. Good rhyme scheme. Could benefit from more consistent meter but well said. Keep writing ( : O )

Posted 9 Years Ago

I think this was too good to not 've any reviews.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nic Murray

10 Years Ago

thank you so unbelievably much. no idea how much I appreciate it xD

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 15, 2013
Last Updated on September 15, 2013
Tags: sadness, anger, love, pain, hurt, memory


Nic Murray
Nic Murray

London, United Kingdom

im 18, half dumpling half english, im an aspiring artist, musician and actress, i love black coffee, green tea, disney, 40s jazz music, taking risks, living life passionately & ambitiously with no reg.. more..

It It

A Poem by Nic Murray