

A Poem by Caroline B A Maguire

Life gives then takes away

Funny how life can take you by surprise
And bring you a wonderful gift
Only to leave you with just the wrapping paper the very next day..
I think I might go away from you my friends 
For a wee while 
With my wrapping paper 
And think on the gift it once held
For it held the promise of greater things
But the stars were crossed
And seemed to say
This gift is not for you yet
But wait a while
My friend 
Perhaps something better will come your way

© 2021 Caroline B A Maguire

Author's Note

Caroline B A Maguire
Just a wee note to all my new friends at the cafe. Thank you for all your love and beautiful words..I'm taking a wee break from the cafe..keep the faith . Much love. Caroline 🙂

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Full of emotion through out, really enjoyed this write

Posted 2 Years Ago

I like this, i kinda can relate to this

Posted 2 Years Ago

I agree dear Caroline.
"This gift is not for you yet
But wait a while
My friend
Perhaps something better will come your way"
I have learn the above lines often. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry and your thoughts.

Posted 2 Years Ago

I take breaks from here as well, enjoyed this write though. Take all the time that you need

Posted 2 Years Ago

no no no don't go away...there are big problems in the world that move us around with hurricane are too precious to go away....please stay with us Caroline....if you go away some of us might get our hearts broken...don't give up on us....we need people like you in this crazy world to brighten it...have a sweet day 🙂

Posted 2 Years Ago

Sometimes gifts are shiny little trinkets that enamore our thoughts to take away from the actual present. That you were the gift all along. In a sea of words only you can give them voice and thought. Sometimes what is more meaningful is who is behind the words. Whether you write for the world or write for yourself never stop. Because the greatest friendships start with single words. Continued success in your writing journey and the bonds made by it.

Posted 2 Years Ago

For whatever the reason to have a break, temporary escape can become a Linus blanket, a warmth that dilutes stress and doubt. We all need it now and again, especially these days. But, come back soon and share yet more of your wonderful gift. Take care, keep safe. Please.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Time away is a much needed commodity around here. Refresh and relax, and come back so that I can get to know you better, ok? Take care!

Posted 2 Years Ago

Have a restful break, but be sure to come back. It has been a delight to read you Caroline. It's nice to meet new people in our playground. You have only just begun.


Posted 2 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on September 9, 2021
Last Updated on September 9, 2021

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