Windy days

Windy days

A Poem by Caroline B A Maguire

My soul found solace in the wind

They soothed my tortured mind 
Over the years
Windy days
To wander within the safe arms
Of a strong cool breeze
Wrapped up in layers
Of warm wool and denim
Cosy scarf
Bobble hat
Which covered the head 
That held my tortured mind
That was eased for a time 
By the wind through still leafy trees
And just the finest spray of rain 
Upon my face
Windy days 
Nature's remedy to me

© 2021 Caroline B A Maguire

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This is a wonderful write, I can feel this write. I love the wind myself.

Posted 2 Years Ago

This is a very picturesque visual poem that I so enjoyed reading. I'm always drawn to visually descriptive work because my writing style tends to lean heavily on it. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

Posted 2 Years Ago

I have never thought of windy days as being nature's remedy, so your lines really interested me. Windy days are company, because the wind speaks to me. It just goes to show that we can relate to nature in different ways. Thank you Caroline. I am pleased your soul finds solace in the wind and thank you again for sharing your poetry with us. :)


Posted 2 Years Ago

dearest Caroline... the Wind can be very soothing...
It does spread it's Arms around you as a caring friend.
You are not alone as the Wind carries you over the Cobblestones
and onto pastures green with Heather and Prayers. truly, Pat

Posted 2 Years Ago

Caroline B A Maguire

2 Years Ago

Ah Pat you get it ! Your words are poetry..thank you for reading and your insight..Caroline 🙂
I loved the poem. You danced with a memory.
"By the wind through still leafy trees
And just the finest spray of rain
Upon my face
Windy days
Nature's remedy to me"
I like the days of freedom, wind, warm rain and seeking old memories dear Caroline. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Caroline B A Maguire

2 Years Ago

Glad you enjoyed it. We find solace where we can.ive been very blessed despite my troubles..thank yo.. read more
Coyote Poetry

2 Years Ago

Troubles, we may have but we must seek things we enjoy dear Caroline. I hope you are doing well in t.. read more
Caroline B A Maguire

2 Years Ago

Im from omagh in Northern Ireland.. we are having a bit of a heatwave this week and thank you for as.. read more
nice thoughts each day brings its own weather. sweet day on you. jeff

Posted 2 Years Ago

Caroline B A Maguire

2 Years Ago

Thank you for reading jeff..🙂
I remember wrapping up in layers and STILL feeling the cold. But I always loved listening to the wind at night, when trying to go to sleep. The whistling of it somehow lulled me, almost like the rain. Living here in California, I miss those cozy scarfs and the warm wools of winter. Much enjoyed this, Caroline.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Caroline B A Maguire

2 Years Ago

I'm glad you enjoyed this Kelly.. Im still new to poetry and I feel I could still say more on this .. read more

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7 Reviews
Added on September 7, 2021
Last Updated on September 7, 2021

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