A Poem by An owl on the moon

And I love to read her pages...


























She is a breathing book

each night I touch her pages

delicately turn to find

her heart in letters

written by her hand…


Scent of vanilla

soft and sensuous

unveiling another thought

another smiling memory

another intimate piece of her…


And I read with such abandon

across her pages

my fingers trailing

her soft paper skin…


In her sighs

she speaks of

stories and sonnets

history and fantasy

blue skies and silvery silks…


I hear her voice

in the pages

wanting to know her

every line

every word

every letter…


Now I take her into me

share my book with her

until we know

can read each glance

each whisper

each touch…


She is a book

and I love to read her pages…

© 2011 An owl on the moon

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"Now I take her into me
share my book with her
until we know
can read each glance
each whisper
each touch…"

Poetical Prowess!!! This was fantastic! From the subtle flow to the image at the beginning to set the mood of the crafted an intelligently phrased piece. The type so delicately thought of that i cannot help but be enthralled in the book (pun intended) :)

This is great work! A nice start to my day:)


Posted 13 Years Ago

7 of 7 people found this review constructive.


wow this is so good!! i love the metaphor usage

Posted 6 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

6 Years Ago

I am so glad you were here, Abigail! Thank you. :)
Wow this is really good! I can't describe how it makes me feel, but its amazing.

Posted 6 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

6 Years Ago

Thank you for your kindness. Looking forward to reading your inspirations here. :)
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love this! please check out my writing too! & please tell your friends about me!

Posted 6 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

6 Years Ago

Thank you so much KC. Will read your inspirations right now. :)
Incredible poem. "She is a breathing book"-such grace in this metaphor...eloquent language, lovely form, flow, cadence...sensuous, rapturous imagery....literal, figurative, transcendent. Kudos!

Posted 6 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

6 Years Ago

I so deeply appreciate your thoughts and insights here, Annette. May every page of you being wondrou.. read more
Now I read with such abandon,,,

Beautiful verse

Posted 7 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

7 Years Ago

I am so grateful for your visit, dear poet.
May you forever be lost in her revelations!

Posted 7 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

7 Years Ago

I do believe in her everlasting light. Thank you, dear Kelly. :)
absolutely lovely. Definitely a new favorite

Posted 7 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your words.
This poem was FLAWLESS. I loved it!

Posted 7 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

7 Years Ago

Thank you so much, Tamara! :)
She is a book
and i love to read her pages

what a simile of the book and her.

My fingers trailing her soft paper skin..
it gives goosebumps as you read.

so well written.

Posted 7 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

7 Years Ago

I am so thankful you came to read of her. May you find such joys in the new year, dear poet.
This is one of the best love poems I've read in a year. This is so originally stated with the book analogy well-crafted thru-out. Usually I'm not a fan of fancy fonts becuz they can be distracting & they don't always translate across all platforms, so sometimes you get garbage. But in this case, the font truly reflects the mood of the words. It feels like you've really taken your time to present this . . . in places you repeat briefly or restate in several different ways . . . it feels like a meandering walk thru the observations. And the enthusiasm in the simply-stated final couplet is superb!

Posted 7 Years Ago

An owl on the moon

7 Years Ago

I so deeply appreciate your thoughts and your encouragement! And I do love creating a canvas for wo.. read more

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238 Reviews
Shelved in 46 Libraries
Added on July 22, 2011
Last Updated on July 24, 2011


An owl on the moon
An owl on the moon

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