The Person That I Am

The Person That I Am

A Poem by Chris A Jones

Where do the thoughts I have come from?

My thoughts are mine
a summation of life.
My thoughts do aline,
sharp as a knife.

Everything I learn,
shapes my life, my mind.
Wisdom to discern,
shapes truth, and all I do find.

All my anger, and my delight,
all my pain, and my bliss,
and everything I’ve done right,
I should never, ever dismiss.

All that I know,
everything that I am,
certainly will show,
in this lifelong exam.

© 2017 Chris A Jones

Author's Note

Chris A Jones
Nothing special. Trying more poetry.

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A bit special, more wisdom is showing in this. In my estimation the person we become depends a lot on who raised us. My ethics come from my mom and dad, and I am glad they took the time to teach us all about right and wrong. Valentine

Posted 7 Years Ago

Chris A Jones

7 Years Ago

True! Everything that I learn, was from my parents and beyond.
So Good - that's two simple words that say more than many could say

Posted 7 Years Ago

I really like the completeness of this poem, and the last stanza brings the poem to a great conclusion:)

Posted 7 Years Ago

Chris A Jones

7 Years Ago

Thanks for your kind comments and taking time to read the piece. :)

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 22, 2017
Last Updated on January 22, 2017
Tags: life, thoughts, truth


Chris A Jones
Chris A Jones

Florissant, CO

Author of 'Reversione: Reset The Future' available in bookstores now. Currently working on 'Reversione: Lost In Time'. I am a new 47 year old author currently living in the area of Dallas Texas,.. more..


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