When I Close My Eyes

When I Close My Eyes

A Poem by Corey J. Mckenzie



When I Close My Eyes


When I close my eyes, it’s what I dream
The sweet taste from your lips
The soft touch of your hands
Your smooth as silk skin
It brings a smile to my face
And helps me forget about the evil
It reminds I am loved
And re-ignites my will to survive

If I ever did something
To turn your eyes away from me
I don’t think I would survive
Throughout the night, I’d feel empty
There was a void where I hold your love
Never to be empty again
The human soul is weak on it’s own
But shared with another, forever it lives on

© 2008 Corey J. Mckenzie

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This peice is amazing. It flows beautifully, and does what any good peice of writing shoeld. It paints a picure in my mind.

Posted 15 Years Ago

This is good. It has a flow that made me want to keep reading. It was romantic. I love the last two lines. Great work!

Posted 16 Years Ago

"There was a void where I hold your love
Never to be empty again"--very nicely written
The human soul is weak on it's own------i am in love with this line..its amazing..
"But shared with another, forever it lives on"--10.0...thats great by the way..

great write..smooth read...

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 28, 2008


Corey J. Mckenzie
Corey J. Mckenzie

Sudbury, ONTARIO, Canada

Writer. Poet. Songwriter. Author. Freelance writer. Father. Son. Brother. Friend. ONCE UPON A TIME IN A LAND YOU NEVER HEARD OF... A ritual sacrifice has awoken the dark lord, Anaxis, and his reign .. more..


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