Ode of Homage

Ode of Homage

A Poem by Constance

Ah, how I wanted to write them each an ode

The myriad souls who have touched my life

Lingering within my gaze and earshot often

For only a moment, but changing me forever

With a word, a story, or what I saw in them

Lifting the veil of ignorance from my eyes

And the stone heavy life's weight from my back


There are too many I could pay homage to

Too many whom I wouldn't want to exclude

Beggars, teachers, w****s, mothers, friends

Old and young, frail and strong, in my mind

All are alike in their significance to who I am

What they shared with me will be mine, always

Ah, but how I wanted to write each an ode


Sure, it was never intentional, the change in me

They brought by just being them, and sharing

Perhaps the ideas they gave me were mine

All along, and perhaps some don't wish me well

Yet each piece of the puzzle that made my soul

Sing with the beauty and wonderment of life

Was made with their sweat, words, and sorrow


Ah, but to each and to all I write my ode now

By simply living with what they had to teach me

Held close to my heart, standing firm in my ways

When I hug a child, when I laugh at a misfortune

Of my own making,realizing it's all going to be ok

I am holding them above me, my guiding lights

In a way an ode could never hope to pay homage




© 2008 Constance

Author's Note

Just my thoughts for today.

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We take away a part of all whom we meet. Most excellent writing...with a purpose. I often consider a person as either a "life changer" or not. People I meet, work with. They are easy to distinguish. They are always full of ideas, unselfish, considerate, always give good advice (even when it hurts), and they are generous. These people are "Life Changers". When you come in contact with one of them...and pay attention, they can alter your life forever. I like also how you identify the "bad" influences as well....and really, that is the thing about humans...we are creatures of free will...able to choose the Life Changers we will follow. Thank you Constance for another soulful write.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


We take away a part of all whom we meet. Most excellent writing...with a purpose. I often consider a person as either a "life changer" or not. People I meet, work with. They are easy to distinguish. They are always full of ideas, unselfish, considerate, always give good advice (even when it hurts), and they are generous. These people are "Life Changers". When you come in contact with one of them...and pay attention, they can alter your life forever. I like also how you identify the "bad" influences as well....and really, that is the thing about humans...we are creatures of free will...able to choose the Life Changers we will follow. Thank you Constance for another soulful write.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A lovely tribute to those who shape your life. Of course, you are also on many lists yourself as a giver of good and an influencer for others. From life's debris grows a beautiful flower named Constance.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

And what a lovely thought this is! You're writing is certainly an inspiration to everyone! I think you're one of the best writers on here, and the publishers are mad not give you a publishing contract! You're a very deep and intelligent person, and I think it certainly shows in this poem. I'm sure all those around you will be really touched upon reading this. The things you do are so inspirational.

When I hug a child, when I laugh at a misfortune
Of my own making,realizing it's all going to be ok
I am holding them above me, my guiding lights
In a way an ode could never hope to pay homage


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on July 4, 2008
Last Updated on July 4, 2008



A Small Town in, KS

I write about my past, my own real experiences. Even my poetry is inspired by my life. I was, I suppose, born writing, making up stories and rhymes from about when I started to speak, but had to wait .. more..

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A Poem by Constance

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