I Love You??

I Love You??

A Poem by The Invisible Girl

That seem so unclear
Though my heart wants me to believe
That a boy so sweet and kind
Has stolen my heart away

Why can't I seem to think straight?
Was it destiny that we would meet?
Even though this feeling of falling in love is neat
l just fear that he will soon grow annoyed of me

That I can't not hide
Though I wish I can deny
That I love the boy
Who is so sweet and kind

But, do I really love him?
Or is it just my imagination?
If my heart is telling the truth
And my feelings for him are true

Why can't I believe that I love him?

Or is it because I'm too afraid of a heartbreak...

© 2013 The Invisible Girl

Author's Note

The Invisible Girl
Its not really good....oh well lol :P

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I just hope against hope that my g.friend may feel like this from today, this very minute, this very second,

Huh, i just hope.:-|
by the way , good poetry.

Posted 8 Years Ago

I can relate to this so hardcore. Everyday I ask myself 'Do I love this boy?' and then I see him and he reminds me all over again that I do.

Sometimes its like, REALLY HARD TO BELIEVE you are that in love.

Nice job!

Posted 10 Years Ago

The Invisible Girl

10 Years Ago

Thanksss!!!! ^-^
A sweet poem on love. Really like third stanza.

Posted 10 Years Ago

The Invisible Girl

10 Years Ago

Thanks :D glad you liked it!!!!!! :)

10 Years Ago

You are welcome.
Lol, Nice imagination... I enjoyed the piece but yeh, be safe and make sure that love always break the heart dear.. lol (don't be afraid, you can try.. lol HAHA) *Kidding* lol
Anyway, I liked this poem or song, it's came from your heart once again as usual. Theme, imagination all're seemed great here and words're really well defined up the meaning of your every stanza you used to write. Beautiful work and imagination of course.. lol. I'm glad to read your work once again after a king time, you know what your stuffs always make me refresh :) I enjoyed this poem or song :) Keep it up dear, you're now reaching out. 500/100 :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

The Invisible Girl

10 Years Ago

Thanks!! :) i'm glad you liked it! :)
Criss ;)

10 Years Ago

Your welcome dear. It's always my pleasure reading your beautiful stuffs :)
I really enjoyed it.. Those stages of love you've written about are so relateable. I love it.. xo

Posted 10 Years Ago

The Invisible Girl

10 Years Ago

Thanks!!! :) Glad you enjoyed reading it!!! :)
Oh I remember feeling this way about love ... Sometimes I think the process of recognition changes with age and experience, but sometimes not... Do I or don't I... I think the hesitation is indeed the heart trying to self protect until... It knows it is safe... Good luck girl!!! Sweet poem!

Posted 10 Years Ago

The Invisible Girl

10 Years Ago

Thanks! :) Glad you enjoyed reading it!! :)
What the heck are you talking about???? This is great! I love this! Especially because I've felt this before (maybe even a little bit now actually...) and my friends have been in this situation a lot as well! I'm not going to say "I know" about this kind of thing and yada yada, cause I don't? If that makes sense....
Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I really enjoyed this piece very much the flow of it is very nice, however...something bothers me about this poem, but I'm not exactly sure what...if I figure it out I'll be sure to let you know haha.
Anywho! Good job :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

The Invisible Girl

10 Years Ago

Haha thanks! xD oh! Please tell me if something is wrong so I can fix it. :) thanks so much for revi.. read more

10 Years Ago

You're welcome :D

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7 Reviews
Added on September 6, 2013
Last Updated on September 6, 2013


The Invisible Girl
The Invisible Girl

Gumdrop Forest, Candy Land :P

I always had a passion for writing. Though I'm not the best writer, I always put my readers first. I hope whenever you read my work that you will enjoy it. So share, rate and review my stuff and i.. more..
