

A Poem by Angad Waraich

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all


I walk out,

To see the world,

Barely alive!

I see people,

Rushing by,

Everyone’s so preoccupied,

Having forgotten to breathe and appreciate life?

Living each day like the cycle of a clock,

Eat, sleep, work, REPEAT!

Until they are withered and find it’s time to say goodbye.


Dying in the past,

Living in the future,

Is this truly all there is to life?

I see pain,

I see hope,

  But never any joy.


Are we truly enslaved to money, greed and lies?


Can we slow down just for a night?

To lay underneath the open sky,

And put down the burden we carry in our fragile hearts and minds,

As we stare into the starry infinite.

Can we let ourselves feel?

The sun as it warms our soul,

The song by the birds that calms the raging tempest hidden beneath our mask pretentious smiles,

The rain as it washes away all the worry buried deep inside.

Can we live in today?

Can we even try?

To slow down and look at the small things in life,

So they can bring back all the love we buried,

As we walked deeper into the labyrinth of this illusion we now call life.


Will we ever know what it is to be alive?

Or are we doomed to be entrapped in this cobweb of lies,

Until the moment we sleep never again to rise?

© 2014 Angad Waraich

Author's Note

Angad Waraich
Hey guys.
Hope you like it.
Let me know how you feel and how i can improve.
Thank you

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Excellent job on this one! I fortunately figured this one out at a young age... that while money gives us freedom to explore possibilities in our society, it can also enslave us to a future without these possibilities. I used to make about three-times as much money as I do now; but I quit that path in life, and have yet to regret it for a single moment. I was miserable, and my mind was unable to explore anything beyond mind-numbing work and exhaustion. When I try to explain just how empty the pursuit of wealth is, they just don't get it... Why would I turn my back on 'success'? You sum it up so well right here! It is amazing how different our lives can be by simply taking time to step back and really examine our priorities... It can be the difference between being trapped in the surreal absurdity of society, as if a protagonist in a Franz Kafka story... and having the poignant connection with a greater existence as if we live and die in the covers of Nikos Kazantzaki's works.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Angad Waraich

9 Years Ago

Thank you reading and appreciating.
Also for sharing, though i am yet to start earning i am we.. read more


I loved the line :
"As we walked deeper into the labyrinth of this illusion we now call life"
I thin some people would definitely benefit form reading this. It is so true, at times, we can be hung up on materialistic desires, that we forget about the best thing in life. I think true, lasting joy comes from the simpler things. In one of my sonnets I put "forgot themselves upon the empty shelves; no time to spend with kin nor friend" It's referring to christmas specifically (which is a time when you see this a lot) but it carries a similar message. I lvoe your poem, it gives the reader a lot to think about ow society is today (and perhaps, at times, was always). Thank you for sharing!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Angad Waraich

9 Years Ago

Thank you for such a wonderful review.

9 Years Ago

my pleasure :)
These are great lines:
"Dying in the past,
Living in the future,".
I also like "entrapped in this cobweb of lies".
I think you've used rhetorical questions really well, it induces the reader to question them self.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Angad Waraich

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much for reading and appreciating .
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Wow! incredible work is all I can say. We are all caught up in our own lives we forget what we are on this earth for. I love your poem. The last stanza is so poignant.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Angad Waraich

9 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind words.

9 Years Ago

you're welcome
A wonderful message. People do get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life becoming slaves to greed, money or status. Then they realize life is short and they missed all the small joys life has to offer. Bravo.............

Posted 9 Years Ago

Angad Waraich

9 Years Ago

Thank you for reading my friend.
Sami Khalil

9 Years Ago

You are welcome:)......
Well the questions all deserve to have answers but my feeling is that based only of what we see at the moment the outlook is a little grim to say the least. It is a wondering writing then as it observes what is around and it questions the validity of what some do. For what purpose? Where is all this going? Will we ever just wake up and stop this continual inertia of indifference?
I hope we do but first just like you did in this writing we need to question and agree to something.


Posted 9 Years Ago

Angad Waraich

9 Years Ago

Very true.
And i hope you liked this piece, the last few ones weren't quite good.
Anyway.. read more

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25 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on October 12, 2014
Last Updated on October 12, 2014


Angad Waraich
Angad Waraich

Brampton, Canada

Hey! Passionate Writer. Besides that i would say that i love to travel, do some photography and meet as many people as i can because the best stories come from random encounters . So feel free to.. more..


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