A Poem by CRZ

It's easier to be who you want to be.
When you forget who is around to see. 
But our egos and reputation 
is something we all care about
either on our everyday life or subconsciously 
Cause what they see in me , is part of the man
I command in me.

© 2013 CRZ

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Spoken truth in words and awe. A veracity of such is righteous on this perspective. It's what speaks about you in this poem and I in a way am fumbled with words. It's the truth of where the mind wants to be humbled but such commands are too inferior for the logic must supersede over emotion. It's the depth of it.

Thank you good Sir! Have a good day. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

There is truth in your words, Jason.. truth and raw honesty. Nice message.

Posted 10 Years Ago

'But our egos and reputations is something we all care about'. Very true words.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Very true thoughts here Jason, this one is a good description of what it is like in and out of the perceptions of others. Some people can't help but put on a front when surrounded by others, and it is a true measure of ones character when they can project who they truly are to those around them. These lines could use a little tweak grammatically. "is something we all care about
either on our everyday life or subconsciously" "is" should be "are" because you name 2 things "ego and reputation" and "either on" should be "either 'in' our everyday life..."

Editing aside, good stuff.

Posted 10 Years Ago

"It's easier to be who you want to be.
When you forget who is around to see. "

I think we all wear different masks. The kind of mask depends on the people around us.
Good words.

Posted 10 Years Ago

this would require a conversation of ego and id and saki

Posted 10 Years Ago

How true. And elegantly expressed.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Do we ever see the real person? Do we all hide behind what people want us to be.
Good work Jason. As always.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Beautifully-put...a unique take on the human condition...well done :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

A true insight into the character of a human being. We never present our real image tot the word, always a masked one.The first two lines are very apt and they sum up the poem beautifully
Very realistic and an excellent read!!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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43 Reviews
Added on April 9, 2013
Last Updated on April 9, 2013



New York, NY

Poet & Artist Thou shall not rest until I make my whole fam rich more..

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A Poem by CRZ

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