

A Story by Jenny-Jen-Jen

My junior year of high school was one of many writing advances. I was in my second run through of creative writing classes with an amazing teacher, who I owe any and all talent that I possess to. This was my Creative Writing II Final Exam. I took the long







His days were useless mirrors of what the world has become. Heartless, dirty, and cold. Blacker than black and evil in even the simplest of things. He saw no point in trying to better the opinions of his comrades, after all, they weren't showing the effort. No, instead he kept his head down and tried to ignore all the bad by pretending he saw good.


The morning arrived just as every other had in the past week. The sun peaking through the curtains, casting shadows on the wall, letting him know the world had not ended.. that it had, indeed, been passed onto another day. A miracle, he thought to himself.

He crawled out of bed and went along with the daily routine. Shower, dress, a hot cup of coffee, and then off to cooperate America. A place he knows too well. Business men lying and cheating their way to the top, it makes him wonder why he's still there.

He made it to his lunch break without the usual confrontations, which was a surprise. He didn't let himself think to much of it and just walked out into the court yard of the Plaza. The sun beat down against him and he cursed the world for global warming. Even with the lilacs in the garden blooming, he still kept the disgusted smirk on his face.

Scanning the area, he saw no one except a girl. She looked as if she was in her early twenties, fresh from college. She wore a yellow sundress and her long brown hair reflected the sunlight. He was taken by her radiance. She was the most beautiful thing he had seen in the past few months.

He watched her, intensely, as she held her notebook in her lap. Her art supplies surrounded her and she was oblivious to the world. She kept her eyes on her drawing and he only wished she would look up.

Every sweet movement she made left him craving her touch. He was not one to believe in love at first sight, but maybe that was because he had never experienced it himself.

He inched closer and closer to her, trying to think of a cleaver way to say hello. But once in her presence, he lost his ability to think, speak, or even breathe. His body cast a small shadow over her drawing and she let her eyes travel to his.

She smiled and then brushed her hair away, tucking it behind her ear. One swift motion and he fell deep into her hazel eyes. He saw the hope that lit up the sky in those eyes.

It was then his opinion changed. He saw the capability of beauty in the world just through this one girl.. this stranger. He saw love in this girl and she became his inspiration. Just her sweet smile which she had passed onto him, someone she's never met, was enough to change everything for him. It was love at first sight, not only a love for her.. but a love for the world.

© 2009 Jenny-Jen-Jen

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Added on January 29, 2009
Last Updated on March 10, 2009



Mo-Town, NC

Death is Peaceful. Life is Harder. I base my writing upon what comes to mind, what I'm going through, and true feelings. I'm opinionated, and sometimes you'll see that shine through the cracks of m.. more..

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A Poem by Jenny-Jen-Jen