Rotting in tranquility

Rotting in tranquility

A Poem by TheAimlessWanderer

I poured my all into this whether that be good or bad

Rotting in tranquility
a hunger for chaos
a hope for madness
in this endless lack of sadness
and gladness
you pull me in 
 i don't want out
i want to embrace your cold dead skin
swallow me so we may become one 
so we can hide from the twilight and dawn
and all things to come
tear me up inside 
i want to slowly bleed and die
just to feel 
just to feel for a moment
cut my own soul and watch it bleed
release it all
the swarm
all i am is carrion ?
please don't put my soul back in
reanimation of my dwelling heart
annihilate it all collapse the wall watch the world fall
release the veil
don the mail
let the threads dig deep
brand my skin with sin
immolate my mind of tides
of fluxes and cruxes
bind me to the calamity
 fill me with insanity 
feel the whispers let them become your sword cleaving flesh from bone, become my hollow throne 
rotting always rotting 
a call for an end
 always rotting in tranquility,
 you reached your goals you payed your tolls the world wore you down all you wear is a hollow crown not casting a shadow on the lake because for you nothing is at stake it is just another life to take 
so we rot always rotting ,rotting in tranquility
 never fading away an ethereal blur of a life that remains and all of its indelible pains always rotting in tranquility
 drowning beneath the sea of light there is sanctification in belief though those words bring no relief
 there is nothing for me there , there is nothing for me here all i want to do disappear be empty like the world bleed me out please bleed me out let my blood flow through the stream and the void diluted into nothingness as where my soul lies the essence of who i am molded by thoughts and feelings longing always longing for a true smile and a tear a release from all my fears and the contradictions that change with the wind blowing away all that's left. all that remains is this indistinguishable blur, incapable of gaining form just shifting with the winds and storms rotting always rotting in tranquility...

© 2016 TheAimlessWanderer

Author's Note

ignore grammar this a vent for me

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Featured Review

If this is what "pouring your heart out" means you should do it more often because it's beyond beautiful and I don't have enough words to express this beautiful composition. One of my favourites. Thank You for this fabulous writing and keep up the amazing work :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you i dipped my pen in soul and let it flow no matter what it was that came out so glad you en.. read more


Incredible. The intensity and the pace adds to the depth, and the emotive descriptions are fascinating. Great job!

Posted 6 Years Ago

This was intense and feels very personal, thank you for sharing as I loved it!

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

I just let it all flood out didn't try to stop it just let myself flow and drip onto the page whethe.. read more
Elliott Thomas

7 Years Ago

Not a problem, thank you for being so open with your work, I look forward to see what you come up wi.. read more
If this is what "pouring your heart out" means you should do it more often because it's beyond beautiful and I don't have enough words to express this beautiful composition. One of my favourites. Thank You for this fabulous writing and keep up the amazing work :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


7 Years Ago

Thank you i dipped my pen in soul and let it flow no matter what it was that came out so glad you en.. read more

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 21, 2016
Last Updated on September 21, 2016
Tags: Symbolic



British Columbia, Canada

i wish it was more clear who i am even to me it seems dim and held together by words that struggle from within the line is much to thin it is crossing over it is crossing over there no space between m.. more..
