So it begins?

So it begins?

A Chapter by Kitten

The need to feel blood on my hands. Wanting to hear someone scream because of me. Watching the life fade from their eyes. I've let it build up for years. And I'm finally letting it out. I chose my first target. Someone no one would miss. Just a harmless bum. The man that had given me my powers. Warned me I would feel this way. But I didn't care. I snuck up behind him and ran my knife across his neck. The blood poured as he screamed. It felt amazing. Just like I knew it would. I laughed loudly as a wild grin crossed my face. I had to feel it again. So I found another. This one was a girl. Another helpless bum. I walked up to her and smiled. 
"Evening miss." I said clutching the knife behind me. She turned to me and looked me over. I laughed wildly and pounced. Stabbing her twenty times until she stopped screaming. I was covered in her blood. But I still wasn't pleased. But if I killed many more.. People would start to notice. 
Come home. 
His voice called in my head. I made me way to my hideout quickly. 
"You got a little messy with that last one." He said cleaning off my knife as I was coming out the shower. I shrugged.
"It was my first time. I'll be more careful next time." I said getting dressed and putting up my hair. 
"Just don't get caught. Or we are both done for." He hissed. 
"Yeah. Yeah. I know." I said sitting down. He sighed lightly and walked over to me and sat down next to me. 
"If you aren't careful. You'll go to jail. And I'll die." He said roughly grabbing me under the chin. I grinned lightly. 
"You know I love it when your rough with me." I said in his ear. He shoved me back on the bed and got over top of me. "I'll show you how rough I can be." He growled. I gripped onto his back lightly as he started to kiss me roughly. 

*The next morning* 
I woke up throbbing and in pain. He had really taken a lot out on me.. Oh well. As long as I kept him happy. I went to the bathroom to look my wounds over. Well.. I wouldn't be going out much until these cut and bruises cleared up. I sighed lightly and went to go put on some light clothing. 
"Damnit.. I wanted to go out killing again." I said walking into the living room. 
"Who said you couldn't?" He asked pulling me into his lap when I walked near him. I protested and then settled. 
"I'm in too much pain to barely walk Judas. How am I suppose to go kill?" I asked. He grinned when I spoke his name. 
"I can heal you up if you like.. But you know what it will cost you..." He whispered into my ear. 
"No thanks. I'll heal just fine on my own." I said. He shrugged. We sat like that until my phone rang. It was my mother. I never answered her. Would it be wrong to go after my own family? I didn't think about it much. It was night. And Judas needed souls. I agreed to got through the horrible healing process. Time to kill again. 
I didn't even bother finding a bum this time. I just went with the first person I could find. I sliced his stomach wide open and watched the organs fall out like beans out of a can. I was loving this. 
How many more do you need my love? 
Two will do me for tonight. 
I grinned and hunted for my next prey.  

© 2012 Kitten

My Review

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In your very first paragraph, I found a big problem: you should've written the beginning like, I don't know, "The need to feel blood on my hands, wanting to hear someone scream because of me, watching the life fade from their eyes, I've let it all build up for years. And now, I'm finally letting it out."

Other than that grammatical error, which was screaming at me, I don't see anything as serious. Though, by no means aren't there any; there are some minor structural errors which I would look for and fix if I were you.

This entire thing right here "Someone no one would miss. Just a harmless bum. The man that had given me my powers. Warned me I would feel this way. But I didn't care. I snuck up behind him and ran my knife across his neck. The blood poured as he screamed. It felt amazing. Just like I knew it would. I laughed loudly as a wild grin crossed my face. I had to feel it again. So I found another. This one was a girl. Another helpless bum. I walked up to her and smiled," doesn't flow properly and there are quite a few run-on/fragmented sentences.

I feel that pieces of this could be longer, some things could be more fleshed out, but, overall, I enjoyed this. You've got an interesting piece here. (:

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 28, 2012
Last Updated on October 28, 2012



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