How it starts

How it starts

A Chapter by Kitten

I was sitting in my room. Flipping through T.V. channels. When a news report interrupted my focus. A lab in another state had exploded. Where did R.J. say she was? Did she even say anything? I searched for my phone and called her. No answer. Oh please. Don't let that be where she is. I have to go find out. I ran out to my car and drove as fast as I possibly could. I kept calling her. No answer. I sighed. 
When I finally made it to the site. The lab was still on fire and they were still getting people out. I started walking around and checking out the scene. When I got to the back of the building. My heart started racing. There were people crying out and some already dead. No one was back here helping. Why? 
I ran to the closet person that was still alive. He was able to walk. Thankfully. So I had him go get some help. I ran around. Helping the people as much as I could. After we had gotten everyone that was able to save. To safety. I started to walk away. And then I heard something that made my heart sink. 
"J-jamie..?" A pained raspy voice called out to me. I turned to see R.J. half of her body was stuck under a piece of concert. That was never going to be moved in time to save her. Plus, I didn't know what kind of shape that part of her body was in. I ran to her and grabbed her hand. 
"R.J.. R.J... Oh my god. We have to get you out of here." I said worried. She shook her head. 
"It's not possible. I'm good as gone. I hate.. to leave you. Right after your family died. But I couldn't do anything to so this..." She stopped and coughed. 
"Shh. Don't strain yourself... I know you don't have much time left. Just.." I stopped holding back tears. She reached her hand up to my face and smiled. 
"Stay safe Jamie. Don't let them catch you. I hope you know. I've always loved you..." She said laying back down and closing her eyes. I started to cry and clutched her hand. The only person I had left. Was gone. I had no one. What was I suppose to do..?   

© 2012 Kitten

Author's Note

I know this is kinda short. But I didn't really know what else to put in this..

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Thanks. And yeah.. I messed those up. When I get writing sometimes I don't think about it..

Posted 11 Years Ago

So very sad, and perfectly written. Just two things. When RJ is speaking i think it was supposed to be stop, not so. And i think you ment concrete not concert. Can't wait for more!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 4, 2012
Last Updated on December 4, 2012



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