

A Poem by Esana Bridges

What do you see?


Red - for those who don't know red,
Green - to those who see not green,
Blue - for those who can't find blue.

I am the light - for those looking at the sun,
I am the dark - when candles are blown out,
A sound - at a concert,
A touch of sweetness - after an entire cake.

Look at me - taste me, touch me, hear me, smell me
What is it you're looking for?
What do you hope to find?
That's it. That's me. I am, I am, I am -

I am the rainbow to those who are colorblind.

© 2011 Esana Bridges

Author's Note

Esana Bridges
Please give me advice/criticism and if you like it or not.

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This amazed me as always! The use of colour is nice, and I loved how you discribed everything in the poem. Well done!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Love the contradictions of this poem full of spectrum! awesome write!

Posted 12 Years Ago

The apostle Paul once said, "I am all things to all men that I may be nothing in my own sight" What he meant was that he was a humble servant to others before considering his own pride or vanity. It is true that many only see what they want to see and to them...their truth is their perception...they believe it to be so and so TO IS so. But is that the case? Is that really truth or is it only self-deception? We must each work that out for ourselves. But I believe it is certainly a thing worth thinking about. You seem to say here that you exist unnoticed but you are there. Stephen Crane wrote,
"A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!"
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
“A sense of obligation.”

That is a good thing to keep in mind.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I see in your words the crossing of senses. Where one takes in one type of sensory activity, yet it effects a different part of the senses over all. At the same time your ink comes across as flow of hope for those who miss or are missing a sense.

I feel that the overall concept is well laid out, but I think it would be nice to see a little bit more description woven in and around each major sensory topic.

Thanks for sharing!

Posted 12 Years Ago


First your note - What is the speed of thought? - so put together quickly is something EVERY writer does... additional time for introspection and review as needed. As to your comment of it not being very good - others will slap you for free, you do not have to help them. The rest was appropriate.

Now the poem... good taste and flow, strong content. You have a sense of self.
The first stanza is a draw - Line one works, line three works, line two?


Posted 12 Years Ago

I liked the way you used contrasts light/dark and opposites rainbow/colorblind and found this a great contemplation of impossibilities with a lot of original ideas and thoughts. Great work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I am not well versed in poetry. I can think of no suggestion on a way to change it. However I can say that enjoyed reading it. That the idea of impossibility placed in such clear terms is inspiring and thought provoking. It may not have a grand image or strong flow, but in my mind it has something better. It has a sense of wonder and inspires my own thoughts to view things differently, in more light.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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17 Reviews
Added on October 29, 2011
Last Updated on November 18, 2011


Esana Bridges
Esana Bridges

I love mysterious things that send shivers down my back. I like emotion. I love craziness. Fairy tale rewrites or something to do with Alice in Wonderland will draw me in immediately. Feel free to .. more..

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A Chapter by Esana Bridges

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A Chapter by Esana Bridges

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