

A Chapter by TurtleClark

Violet had heard many stories, none beginning or ending the same but some how the middle was always the same " They were hunted and they fought back". She simply wanted to be a normal 16 year old girl. You know first job, learning how to drive junior year, the things everyone else at school was worrying about. Her parents wanted something completely different for her. They believed that she needed to prepare herself for what could happen, for what hasn't happened in over five decades. What ever caused the pixie's of Maine to be hunted and nearly wiped out of existence. No one told her much about the battle between pixie's and the were's only that her grandfather was killed during the battles. 
She would wake up at night listening o her mother scream in terror at the nightmares that kept her awake at night. She personally never got to see the battles and against her parents knowledge one of her best friends was a were. They would hang out at her house constantly and her parents were always kind and welcoming to the knowledge that she was a half-breed.

© 2012 TurtleClark

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I'm looking forward to reading this book, very keen on knowing what type of race a were is, would they be some sort of werewolves, or something completely different. Also the background story of her family, the battles, etc was pretty exciting set me as the reader in for a curious ride, how is she going to be a normal 16 year old when she has this family curse/blessing to live out. I like the fact that she's a half-breed but i'd rather be surprised with it later in the story, like her figuring it out on her own, kept secret from her or something, just my opinion though. Great write. Much love, -Kee.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

She knows she is a half breed but she doesnt know what she is if she's part were fair elf gnome grem.. read more

11 Years Ago

oh cool :D sounds exciting :P

11 Years Ago

thanks lets hope i can follow through
Intensive start :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

More! :D

This is very captivating and I like the plot idea. ^^

Posted 11 Years Ago

I Love this!! you have me hungry for more!! So please if you dont mind continue!! :D

Posted 11 Years Ago

Nice intro to a story that will do well, the fantasy market booms..

Posted 11 Years Ago

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