Where you had

Where you had

A Poem by Decaf

Where you had alcohol
I add nothing
Where you had drugs
I had pills forced down my throat
Where you had friends and support
I stood alone
Where you held the blade
I cut twice as much
Where you see protection
I see fear
Where you see control
I see panic
Where you forget everything
I recall everything in my life
As I stand before you one day soon
I'm sorry will be words to escape first
I see before me so many things I have to fix
Not all are personally and not all are physical
I don't understand how to fix them
But knowing me I'll never ask how
Where you had my heart
I cherished yours as i crumbled under my own weight
Where you saw all that I showed
I slowly lost it all that I have hidden

© 2014 Decaf

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Wow very moving and deep, you really put your heart and soul into this piece.
I feel all the emotion oozing though this piece.
Great write :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

Beautifully tragic and heartbreaking. Great write.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Powerful...raw...completely moving. You're a natural born poet.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on April 16, 2014
Last Updated on April 16, 2014



Burleson, TX

I'm a fun guy that has a deep heart and mind. My name is Decaf like the coffee. It's awesome I'm a skater, I'm also an ex cutter. more..

My untold fear My untold fear

A Poem by Decaf