Pains Of Our History

Pains Of Our History

A Poem by Paul Okeke

Our colonization reflects on my memory and i felt the pains our history....

It's black, It's white
It's black and white
we are created as one
but our color makes friendliness,
far gone.
white enslaved our prowess
still we are not sure if we are fearless

Our black hero's wasted on chains
digging their graves in pain
we were lions that can't roar
our strength sink as we soar
lions that kills antelope
for wise tortoise to claim in hope

still,it's thy black you hate
History like ashes of past date(we are forgotten)
African! African! some white hate that name
but the source of our blood are same
among us what love can we claim
some white called us Ape in aim

We crawled with heavy chains
On our neck and waist
like workers of termite colony
feed with everlasting agony
on our back hot red knife made kisses
what can we do in pieces we make hisses.

As a slave in our land
we grind our strength to eat from the ground
you assimilated and in directed us
Our dignity beg on it knees with tears;plus
we are the land of hope
but now can we cope?

Oh! Nigeria,south Africa,Liberia etceteria
In our home we were disenfranchise form our criteria
Oh! white thanks for civilization
what we owed we've paid with our strength in action
Thanks to upbringing technology
but yet the pains of our history can't be forgotten in our siege
racism and slavery is what we were dished

                                    Still we love you 
                                   and always want to learn from you
                                    we wish you love us back

© 2010 Paul Okeke

Author's Note

Paul Okeke
I wish you review this with humble sincerity and judge my poem and criticize it with good thought.....Never take this too personal....We do love you all cause we are one

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If everyone on earth was say black or whatever color, we'll still going to discriminate against one another. Its just the sad reality of humanity.

Posted 13 Years Ago

That is a beautiful, open, honest, heartfelt piece. It strongly makes it point without accusing every white person that's ever lived. Well done! Sadly, bigotry is still alive and kicking, but at least many people have seen how foolish it all is and the damage the hate that goes with it can do. Like you pointed out, "we all bleed red" so to speak. It's time to take people or leave them on their own merits and not their color, religion, age, and so on.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Good job! I LOVE READING THESE KINDS OF POEMS! Because what happened was wrong and it's something that can't be taken back, but the truth is everyone does need to learn to get along. I mean the color of your skin shouldn't matter, your views on religion. What should matter is the fact of being nice to someone. I will never in my life judge someone by how they look I get to know them what should matter is a person's kindness and what they teach you in life, because a true person a true friend or someone who actually just knows how to care. We judge people in the wrong ways.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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Was slavery about colour? No it was about money.. salvery of any nation, hebrews..all about money..racism grew out of ignorance..your poem is powerful and strong, heartfelt and with hope..the colour of skin in my humble opinion was just stating the obvious..

Posted 13 Years Ago

I hate to say it, but in my own experience this racism thing has come full circle. The only racism I ever see is the other way around these days. This generation paying for our ancestors stupidity. Every time I think we will be done with this insanity and get on to living our lives, the next thing shows up claiming racism where there was none. My children go to a school where they seem to say "white" like it is a bad word. They say things like "Why are you talking to that 'white' girl. You are right, we are all one. I hope that people can wake up soon because this is really getting annoying to me on both sides. The government isn't helping matters. Why is it a requirement at all to say what your ethnicity is when you have to fill out forms of any kind? Why would it even matter? We are human. That is all that they should need to know. Judge me by my contributions and experiences not by my skin.

Posted 13 Years Ago

You should be proud your poem, gives us a generous insight on what the conditions were like for the life of a slave. Your tone wasn't overstated or offensive to read either.Well done!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love the hmmm courage it took to make this poem. I mean, not everyone would be so effortless in reaching out to others, concerning racism. I mean, of course there are alot, but this is the first poem I've ever read. =o Hope that doesn't make me as ignorant as I kinda feel atm x.x Hmm the flow of this was very beautiful I understand sort of how you feel when it comes to racism and I just don't get it. I'm Asian. And I get criticized alot by others as well. But I never thought to make a poem about it coz well lol I kinda am scared to xD So I guess it's cool you made one, expressing yourself freely for others as well as for yourself. It's cool^^ And I love the sincerity of this poem =o

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow! This is deep, So powerful.
I don't understand why all of us can't love one anoather.
We all are human.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This so sad yet written with such beauty and grace... thank you for sharing. Debileah

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

but we all have one heart, we share one world. No one should be judged.
But accepted. I like this. this is powerful. I am sorry people treat others that way it is not nice.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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11 Reviews
Added on May 11, 2010
Last Updated on May 11, 2010

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