

A Poem by Ed Hart

we drove through canyons of fir and cedar

to a raw coast in the gray morning

waves of waves stranded small crab

at the feet of gulls no longer bothered

we held on at the hand

until the hugeness included us

we danced some and did okay

walking the length of bone dead logs

we had to throw ourselves away to get there

now it's that way every day

© 2015 Ed Hart

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Bukowski said of poetry that each line, each and every word written should pop, should explode
on the page before you. And there is a certain thing called control when used to describe the
nature of inspiration as well as the smell of mortality. Let me try my best to explain:
While walking in Walmart this afternoon , nearest the pepperoni infused French bread
and the Yoplait yogurt lined on the shelves like the caskets of dead soldiers, I tried to wish
myself included in the stories of truth and sentiment. I started to smile and click together sentences
(some out-loud) of the poems I wanted to write this evening. Then came perhaps that rush of gravity
that holds a body down to inspiration from those who have also written and sounded things out loud;
that exactness that, hearing the praises of Emerson allowed Whitman to enlarge
"Leaves of Grass" beyond recognition. The influence you have had here Ed Hart, has changed
us all. Made some of us dance while others used those very small escapes of words and
ideas, as a reprieve to go forward.

Thus has been your poetic inspiration my friend......tremendous work.....dana

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

it is a pleasant thing to watch your mind at work, and thank you for the kindest of words


Bukowski said of poetry that each line, each and every word written should pop, should explode
on the page before you. And there is a certain thing called control when used to describe the
nature of inspiration as well as the smell of mortality. Let me try my best to explain:
While walking in Walmart this afternoon , nearest the pepperoni infused French bread
and the Yoplait yogurt lined on the shelves like the caskets of dead soldiers, I tried to wish
myself included in the stories of truth and sentiment. I started to smile and click together sentences
(some out-loud) of the poems I wanted to write this evening. Then came perhaps that rush of gravity
that holds a body down to inspiration from those who have also written and sounded things out loud;
that exactness that, hearing the praises of Emerson allowed Whitman to enlarge
"Leaves of Grass" beyond recognition. The influence you have had here Ed Hart, has changed
us all. Made some of us dance while others used those very small escapes of words and
ideas, as a reprieve to go forward.

Thus has been your poetic inspiration my friend......tremendous work.....dana

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

it is a pleasant thing to watch your mind at work, and thank you for the kindest of words
Life starts out as a sketch, then along the way we fill in the detail until a picture such as you describe emerges and becomes all that we need to be.

This stimulates both the intellect and the senses. Beccy.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

thank you Beccy, i like the way you say things
waves of years wear on a beach...and then the gulls don't even care about that meal of crabs...they lose interest...
this could be a relationship where the two are just in a routine, and the magic is lost...
but i also see a society that seems to not care much apathy....

we quit dancing sometime back.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

thank you jacob, you always give me a little surprise with the way you see around corners
from the sound of it, it was worth it wasn't it?

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

even the harshest of tumbles have been worth it in retrospect, though this time there was no falling.. read more
I think this dovetails very nicely with the good dana's latest, the notion of embracing a certain type of decay, a willingess "to throw ourselves away" in order "to get there". Man needs to know what's wheat and what's chaff.

Posted 8 Years Ago

You sure as hell don't waste much lead sketchin' Ed
But the end line is so damn full

Posted 8 Years Ago

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-- you are a gift of nature to the universe of verse, Maestro Ed... and nature knows... -- and so does human nature... -- the last two lines remind me of so much... -- i'll be with so many overwhelming memories all day... -- thank you for this post...

Posted 8 Years Ago

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27 Reviews
Shelved in 8 Libraries
Added on October 19, 2015
Last Updated on October 19, 2015


Ed Hart
Ed Hart

Olympia, WA

3/11/17, i am taking this way to notify my friends and readers that several months ago i was given my walking papers from this dimension...i have pancreatic cancer, stage 4,, you can.. more..

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A Poem by Ed Hart

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A Poem by Ed Hart