Renee, going on two

Renee, going on two

A Poem by Ed Hart

she is all grown now, and has teenagers of her own, but we had a year together, just her and me...she was the first to open the door to my heart

my little attila-the-hunness came
across the margin of my vision ranges
she talks to herself and me the same
the symmetry of my life she changes
nose arun, feet asail
she surveys her land amazed
i stumble from the diaper pail
a little lost, a little dazed
i would not have you think me less
if my tones are not maternal
each moment of this time i bless
it has to do with things eternal
and as for you dear freedom's child
whose quick tears and sudden joy
alternate my seasons wild
while with my sentiments you toy
it is your rightful inclination
to test the limits of invention
my duty into this relation
will offer more than slight convention
so when the years have seasoned time
to make us who we learned to be
somewhere in your heart sublime
will live our secret memory

© 2016 Ed Hart

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precious those moments when they are so tiny and sweet and eager to please when it suits them to be adorable, it helps us to ignore the diaper pails.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

hi Corset, thanks for the visit

8 Years Ago

You are welcome Mr Hart
This really made me smile. Although my "kids" are now approaching 50, we often remember their less than sanitary behaviour , eating worms and being sick on trains. Yet in the end they turn out to be as normal as us????? :-) Thanks for the memory.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

and thank you Norman
Wonderful memories that when you read it to her she will surely shed a tear with you.. it is that inexplicable bond that you share... that special relationship which is something universal yet so deeply personal. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

yes, thank you for seeing has worked out that way
A child is always a child to the parent and the love is an eternal bond. A really sweet and sentimental poem.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

i'll dance to that
someone on Facebook showed a picture of a blind dog and the remarks were of how cute he was. Stumbling to see the fence or into furniture. tipping his food bowl into his water while never knowing
the startle of squirrel or pigeon. So as much as we can make them our family (in treatment or
deportment) they still represent domestication, a manifestation of our human kind. We see children
thru the looking glass of hope and that roaring, able governess, eternity. And with the perfect
cocktail of acuity, objectivity and heart. What I mean Ed is that, blindfolded the things of this
world deserve our compassion. But in time only children can offer it in return.

the fifth stanza here is what poetry is for my friend: to rest our cheeks on our elbows while the
rest (all the rest) of the world around us falls apart.

your amazing...

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

i've know for some time that you know the pentipical multi-stitch with words...i'm waiting for a qui.. read more
It is very hard to walk the tightrope of wistfulness and affection when you write a piece like this, as there are any number of ways you can fall into the trap of kitten-cute, but here you are declining the aid of a net and walking the damn thing blindfolded.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

you are always so kind
Love unconditional is love evermore and that door will remain open even after we become dust, but this, you clearly know Edward.

So very lovely.


Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

knowing i was going to have to let her go from the beginning of our year together grew increasingly .. read more
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It's absolutely beautiful, Ed......

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

i'm so glad you came to the party
miracles, how blessed we have been!

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

hello Emily...the hands, the crossed hands, what do the hands say
Emily B

8 Years Ago

They say Emily is listening intently
Beauty is more than in the eyes of the beholder, tis in the heart - and forever. There just can't be a gift better than that, more precious than that. Your poem's delightful, full of sweet phrases and immense care. I smile and sniff, reaching for the tissues... blessing you, your daughter and each and everyone you love, sir Hart. .

Posted 8 Years Ago

Ed Hart

8 Years Ago

actually, some of the beauty is out there floating around in the world...i've seen pictures of yours.. read more

8 Years Ago

Smiling a double rainbow into your world, Sir Hart

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24 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on March 14, 2016
Last Updated on March 15, 2016


Ed Hart
Ed Hart

Olympia, WA

3/11/17, i am taking this way to notify my friends and readers that several months ago i was given my walking papers from this dimension...i have pancreatic cancer, stage 4,, you can.. more..

embers embers

A Poem by Ed Hart

broken broken

A Poem by Ed Hart