The Adventures of Ivan: Ivan Waits

The Adventures of Ivan: Ivan Waits

A Poem by E S Stevens

This piece was inspired by listening to music played on the piano.


Ivan once sang

but the melodies no longer form

the thoughts simply congeal

in a black hole below his shoulders

abandoned hopes dance with forgotten dreams

orphaned next of kins that will never be

empty patches on beige walls that will

never know the comfort of 5x7 memories

Ivan once sang, but now he sits

waiting for death to tap him on the shoulder

and playfully sing through a grim black smile

“you’re it.”

© 2012 E S Stevens

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Added on May 30, 2012
Last Updated on May 30, 2012
Tags: ivan, russian, depression, death, photographs, lonely, old, senior, melody, melodies


E S Stevens
E S Stevens

Louisville, KY

Body Art Body Art

A Poem by E S Stevens