9/11 My point of view

9/11 My point of view

A Story by Mr.Commentator

This is about 9/11,The day America was in utter shock


It was your average morning

Kids waking up for school

People driving to work

Birds chirping

America was getting ready to go to work

But then all of the sudden

All the TV's around the us jumped to Fox news

We all saw it

A plane had crashed into the South Tower

The sight of people jumping out of the buildings 

The sound of people screaming for dear life

The buildings crumbling

Turning to rubble

As that was enough

Another plane had been hijacked

By 2 terrorists and tryed to run into the White House

But 2 fearless men took a stand took and put a cease to the hijackers

Crash landed in a field in Pennsylvania

A plane crashed into the west face of the Pentagon.

This is 9/11 folks now lets come back stonger than we dd before this all happened, this is America,This is 9/11, This is hell, This is the start of a war

© 2011 Mr.Commentator

Author's Note

I know this is not very descriptive at all, so i was wondring if you can help give me advice

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Added on November 23, 2011
Last Updated on November 30, 2011
Tags: 9/11, hearache



Venice, FL

Hi I am Taylor, I have been writing now for 3 years, and enjoyed everysecond, i hope you like my writing as much as i like making it more..
