Fookin' Unicorns

Fookin' Unicorns

A Poem by Frieda P

Over the moon where unicorns play charades
is where your love sent me on flight
that journey of places in time and space
no one touched the stars and moon as you did
my soul was touched by an epic d'angel 
my heart turned a special hue of passion
then you cut me and the story ended when i bled
a different dark shaded color of fancy betrayal 
the memory still lives on, and the lesson learned...
when you hang out with bloody unicorns you get fucked


© 2012 Frieda P

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I always knew they were "b******s" but never admitted it to myself. Thank you for showing me the light Frieda.
"my heart turned a special hue of passion
a different dark shaded color of fancy betrayal" The contrast of these two lines fits in so beautifully in this poem. Ingenious writing and the end had such an awesome message, Mess with the bull you get the horns, in this case a f*****g unicorn. haha. "Excuse my language":P.

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Thanks, that was one of my more fun vents! ;-)
...and I said it first, so it's all good hah


wow nice ending to a flutter stream of words which choke the senses and leave the head to heart message to study up on, you have magnetism shuffling, to get back into garments left in a pile on the floor, a ghost of words to haunt the protagonist sentence, peeking, waiting for someone to say enough is enough ...good piece

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Eh? why didn't you just say that in the first place?
freakin unicorns.... sometimes they can be so awful rude! haha, loved this, you have a very creative mind to be able to make this piece of writing.

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

hah glad you enjoyed was a fun write...thanks
LOVED IT I F%$Ken hate the b******s, they drink my Tequila!!! leave rainbow s**t everywhere (you tried cleaning that stuff, sparkles for weeks!!!) EVIL EVIL I tells ya

Posted 11 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Ahh the magic word Tequila! no wonder they're drawn to it ;)
When we expect a loving relationship to be perfect we set ourselves up for disappointment... but I like how you said it better.

the memory still lives on, and the lesson learned...
when you hang out with bloody unicorns you get fucked

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

lol, I really wan't asking for perfection, I'm old enough to know there is no such thing! ....but th.. read more
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

11 Years Ago

I figured you weren't. I knew you were being funny. And that was hilarious.
Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Symbolizing an incubus or succubus as a unicorn . . . Classic, and original. Brilliant analogy.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

thank you kindly...
Nicely done - love the pic too

Posted 11 Years Ago

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Thank you kindly.
Tarry Franck

11 Years Ago

So, that's what happened to me? And, all the while I speculated it was the "frackin" whackers hacking away at my heart! Now, I feel totally better because I sent that unicorn packing away moons ago!
All joking aside.......OMG, did I just say that????.....great poem with lots of words for thought!! I just ate them all too!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Your reviews are always entertaining, I might write a poem just to get one of them from you! thanks .. read more
Sheila Kline

11 Years Ago

That would be terrific............let me know if you do!!
I never cared for fairy tales...thank you for putting the stark reality into how it really is, ha ha!! I see your sense of humor has come out to play the image.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

And you just made me smile :D thanks.
That should be obvious by observing the big horn... Ha too funny.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

*wink* thanks ;-)
Frieda P

10 Years Ago

Had to check back here after your latest....*wink* again ;-)
LOL! I like this one. It's like a la-la fairytale then reality comes clanging down in all its bloody wonder and gory detail. Love that last line, just wish that I had written it!

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

11 Years Ago

hah, well, I had to make up for that last fiasco ;-)

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39 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on December 13, 2012
Last Updated on December 14, 2012


Frieda P
Frieda P


If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..


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