~every time a leaf's tears fall...

~every time a leaf's tears fall...

A Poem by Frieda P

kissed by fate


Autumn's zephyrs 
          twirl within 
season's spaces
            rhyme without reason
    'tween memories'
 yearnings,              kissed by fate
        every time the trees cry
              a leaf's tears fall,
   whirls my mind
         in one last 
        faded embrace,
    color jaded
          by winter's 
               desired rush,
just as the chill
                    of your heart
                 crushed the warmth
          of cognac's blissful fire,
your smoky 

© 2014 Frieda P

Author's Note

Frieda P

My Review

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It's been a while since you've dabbled in the seasons Mrs.R, and I'm happy to see you return to them...my head is still aching and congested so reading anything remains a chore let alone reviewing it, but the first four lines are jut exquisite...the idea of seasons as rhyme without reason is something that had never crossed my mind before, but you already know how good you are at taking my senses to places I've never been...the image of the leaf really speaks to me in this one, not the one you smoke (haha) but the Canadian one...it's hard to explain but I'll just say it made it easier for me to relate to this one, as if I needed any help in relating to your work right? Astounding work as always love...xo

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

I hadn't even realized until I read your words, sorry you're still feeling under the weather, no pun.. read more


really like the analogy here...the tears of fall, the coldness of winter without the loved one near.
the memories turning like the colors in the leaves, just before the end.

a relationship's color turns just before the break-up...the autumn of the togetherness followed by the winter of the apart-ness.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Thanks so much for your insightful words jacob.
jacob erin-cilberto

9 Years Ago

Thank You for your poems.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Thank YOU for sharing your brilliance..
every time the trees cry
a leaf's tears fall...

I will be listening intently come Autumn, and will rush to warm the chilled heart...

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Grazie mille Rita....did you start school today?
Rita L. Sev

9 Years Ago

Teachers went back today - I will see kids tomorrow. :)
Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Summer went by fast..........have fun! :)
It's been a while since you've dabbled in the seasons Mrs.R, and I'm happy to see you return to them...my head is still aching and congested so reading anything remains a chore let alone reviewing it, but the first four lines are jut exquisite...the idea of seasons as rhyme without reason is something that had never crossed my mind before, but you already know how good you are at taking my senses to places I've never been...the image of the leaf really speaks to me in this one, not the one you smoke (haha) but the Canadian one...it's hard to explain but I'll just say it made it easier for me to relate to this one, as if I needed any help in relating to your work right? Astounding work as always love...xo

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

I hadn't even realized until I read your words, sorry you're still feeling under the weather, no pun.. read more
every time the trees cry
a leaf's tears fall,
Although I'm not fond of Autumn (I prefer the greener leaves of spring and summer) Your poem is a lovely description of the change of season.
:) Julie

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Oh you Cali girls! I'm just envious, thanks so much Julie. :)

9 Years Ago

My pleasure Hugs, J
Every time a tree cries a tear falls? Cognac blissfull fire? I have meniond this before. You can write splendidly. Probably get yourself degrees of writing but just like in life without love your action will miss and intrinsical part in wiritng without meaning words become sensless. They are there don't get me wrong. But they won't move you. When I read the phrase already mention and I am 6. 2 225 pounds of a primtive, ugly man, I felt sadness the next phrase made me salivate in search for the cognac taste which incidentally I don't even like. This writing made me ponder, made my internal gesture weep.
That's becuase it means something.


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Thanks so much Rene, your reviews are always so intriguing, love to hear your thoughts.
Rene Salinas

9 Years Ago

Sorry if I am a little ecentric I mean well
Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Not at all, carry on with your eccentric self, makes life much more interesting, never one for the m.. read more
Theres just something about autumn...the crisp air, colored leaves and the brightness of the sky. Can't wait to go for a drive on Skyline or go watch a highschool football game. Then theres the smells...apple cider and smoke. Its a beautiful season....sigh...as is this poem x

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Awh, I'm so envious, haven't driven on Skyline in years, a gorgeous scene, thanks so much for your s.. read more
Autumn does something to soul with falling leaves our heart looks for a different song . In your case a series of brilliant poems of different shades I am looking forward to. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Oh geez...she must be the understanding type, lucky you. :) Hold on to that woman...

9 Years Ago

You bet ;)
Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Smart and cute. ;)
so exquisite says i .. your poem has melted the stones and i love love .. even in "..winter's desired rush" .. my chestnut tree has been weeping for some time already .. and this:
"ust as the chill
of your heart
crushed the warmth
of cognac's blissful fire,
your smoky

just perfect! this is going in my library for sure .. great job Frieda!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Melted the stones, I love that! Thanks so much dear E, you always bring a smile to my heart. :) xo
Autumn is so beautiful. All the beautiful colours... The reds, oranges.. Mmmmm, it's gorgeous. I wish I could love in autumn forever and ever. Lol. This is truly magnificent... Such an outstanding write Mama F. I love when I read you and you leave me speechless and wanting more......xoxo

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

You humble me always sweetpea, thanks so much noodlebumble, I must admit that first leaf falling is .. read more
"Just the chill of your heart,crushed the warmth."... Autumn brings back cold memories to me. The way you have represented the fall of a leaf portrays the feelingless fall of a relationship. Which withers and rots in the ground.. such an enchanting piece. I could feel myself float and float in the falling leaf.. :) Beautiful


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

9 Years Ago

Thanks for your enchanting review Sophy, hope you're feeling better my sweet friend. :)

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31 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on August 31, 2014
Last Updated on September 1, 2014


Frieda P
Frieda P


If you want to know me, read my poetry, it's all in there. I am a mother of three sons (my finest moments) a sister, a survivor and a little bit crazy. I lost my beloved sister to suicide, so you'll.. more..


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