Lovers of the Light.

Lovers of the Light.

A Poem by Marrissa cardello

A silly little poem

Drown me in your silver blood, child of the divine
Entertain my petty soul, scum of the mud
Show me the true extent of love, lady of the sky
Teach me the limits of sanity, creature of the earth
Clasp me gently in your cupped palms, goddess of only the most venust
Fear me not, for I enjoy your company most of all, child of nature
Certainly, I don't deserve to gaze upon your remarkable beauty, ruler of elegance
Certainly, most mortals don't. But you are far superior to most mortals who have dared to cross my path, 
you inconceivably charming human.
It's a shame that your beauty can only be seen by a mortal such as myself, everlasting being of beauty.
Tis truly a shame you are only temporary, for I desire above all to cling to your embrace for all eternity, stunning mortal of the light.
Your touch elevates my world to a pleasure that shouldn't be redeemable by mere humans, if only you could gaze into my minuscule eyes the way I gaze into yours, deity of all my joy.
If only I could wrap my  arms around your chest and embrace you without crushing you with my sheer size, for you bring me more joy than you could possibly comprehend, 
my beautiful lover.

© 2023 Marrissa cardello

Author's Note

Marrissa cardello
Sorry that I died for a bit. I've been working on something. I will be posting a LOT more work now.
This looked a lot better with the fonts, but writer's cafe wouldn't let me.

My Review

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I love this! Such a great poem.

Posted 7 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Marrissa cardello

6 Months Ago

Thank you!
ATE!!! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Posted 10 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Marrissa cardello

10 Months Ago

Thank you.

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2 Reviews
Added on June 30, 2023
Last Updated on June 30, 2023
Tags: poem, love, beauty, divine, goddess


Marrissa cardello
Marrissa cardello

I like to do stuff. I like a lot of fandoms. I like writing but I'm not very good at it. more..


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