You Went Out in Public Like That?

You Went Out in Public Like That?

A Story by Jennifer Hart

I was having a conversation with a couple of friends as to the reasoning behind people who just don’t take care of themselves. For this particular writing we are simply going to point out the facts and state the obvious; lack of personal care is just unattractive.

Now, I’m not the kind of woman that won’t go out of the house unless I have make-up on. Actually, I make sure to maintain somewhat of a honey brown skin tone so the lack of paint on my face doesn’t take away from the decently kept look I am going for. I will not, however, hop in the car and carry myself to the grocery store in a pair of oversized sweatpants that should only be worn 3 to 5 days out of a month, and only in the presence of my children and God himself. I will interject here that there are a few situations, like a terrible flu, or complete and utter depression followed by suicidal thoughts, where sweatpants or the likes of are then allowable, only with the admittance that it is a once-in-a-year situation, and that it won’t happen again for another 365 days.

 As women, we have 2 particular places upon our body that we can choose to keep up with on any particular day. We can either fix our face and leave the hair in a somewhat tangled mess, even this looks sexy every now and then, or we can style that beautiful head of ours, and let our undone faces lay beneath a few tussled strands. As long as there is a suitable amount of attempt put into one or the other, we are fit for the public.  Don’t get me wrong, there is a certain amount of natural beauty within most people. I do not think that every day should contain an hour and a half long beauty session. I am simple pointing out that we should all take some pride in our presentation of ourselves to the world.

If you are not one of these women who will take a few minutes out of your day to make yourself fit to be seen, don’t shoot bitter looks my way because I have. I don’t go into each day with the thought that I want or need anyone to spend their time looking at me. The efforts I put in are for myself, if anyone outside of that enjoys a well-kept woman then by all means feel free to look, or even pay a compliment. But listening to women complaining about the wandering eye of their men leads me to point out the fact that you have been wearing a hat on your head and an oversized t-shirt for far too long. The expectation that your man, or woman for that matter, will only look at you, even when you are a complete splotch of unsightly ruin, is just absurd. If you want to keep a man following you around the room with his eyes, give him something to look at. And keep in mind that when you don’t, he will surely find something else to fulfill his optical needs. This does not mean that he will be unfaithful, he may, however, use the image he acquires in times of personal satisfaction. It simple means that they are human beings.

 Let’s add just a small insight for the men, too. Yes, guys, we feel the same. Please do not go out of the house with mismatched clothing, or an un-kept growth upon your face. Don’t smell like a boy leaving gym class, or skip the toothbrush in the morning. We deserve to see you at your best if we are to accept you at your worst. Give us something to be proud of, a man, virile and strong, with a sense of pride that shows us you know what you are doing when you weaken our knees with arms of might, and the scent of full blown masculinity. That is what keeps women wanting more. We, too, enjoy the thought of a solid, well displayed man at the end of the day.

So no matter what your gender, remember, your exterior exhibition will only enhance what you have inside, but one without the other leaves room for whatever is lacking to be fulfilled elsewhere. So boys and girls give your best smiles and keep up with your performance in the area of outward appearance. It will make us all better people in the end.

© 2012 Jennifer Hart

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Amen! Have some pride in yourselves ladies...and men...when you take care of yourselvesit makes you feel better it benefits all of take a hint and give it a try....Testify Jen!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 26, 2012
Last Updated on September 26, 2012


Jennifer Hart
Jennifer Hart

Merritt Island, FL

War torn War torn

A Story by Jennifer Hart