poem: A Star Questions Her Moon

poem: A Star Questions Her Moon

A Chapter by Marie Anzalone

for R, with much appreciation



For that is happiness: to wander alone
Surrounded by the same moon, whose tides remind us of ourselves,
Our distances, and what we leave behind.
The lamp left on, the curtains letting in the light.
These things were promises. No doubt we will come back to them.



1. You are a poet trapped in an engineer’s life.

I watch you- the way you respond

to simple questions, with such care,

an enigma of consideration- How are you today,

becomes a journey of discovery into the story

of how your neighbor hurt his leg

before breakfast.


You tell me that you fly in dreams,

and I know it to be true, for you are

just fearless enough

to daydream out windows

while voices drone on with their usual

rapaste of excuses for the weary and famished.


Forty-seven years of vindication

for why it is necessary to break your back

in Oaxaca to buy a sack of corn;

for why we are condemned

to watch the land itself melt

under this new terrible onslaught.


Why your town’s children

may never again have enough to fill

distended bellies on stunted frames.


I understand your anger, for anyone

paying attention would be damned furious.


But you drop those parcels too in front of doorsills

before entering-

considering it impolite to bring bad energy

into another’s space.


2. I did not  truly grasp resilience

until I met you-

the only man I ever knew who worked

to put himself through grade school.

The wearied and oft-repeated story of your pueblo:

children, 3,

abandoned to the bottle,

finding charity on cold cobblestone streets

and sidewalks more often

than in beds. Your sister’s burned away hand

molded you, maybe, into the angry

warrior who takes life by storm.


It does not surprise me one bit-

that you found a gun strapped to your back

in the days of greater injustice,

fighting the unwinnable war.


I will never ask how many times

you fired.


3. And I know now you brought me here-

there was something to that shaman's story

it is your call I heard

across miles and decades;

your star, you said, the one you could hold in real life-

I only ask, how did you know where to find me?


4. a man from Texas stopped me mid-stride- asked me

if I love you. I pondered this unbidden query;

rolled it in my mind, tasted it, thought:


What a strange question. Ask the tides if they love the moon

that shapes and plies them, tugs on them

both into the curve of their destiny and against their will,

and there you will find my answer.


How can one not love the perfect fit

of an empty soul chamber

the width and shape of one's own body-

and yet how can one truly love from within

those walls that keep one ensconced,

but also, keep the owner resolutely

outside of your extended reach?


only as much and in the same way as the tides ever loved

their moon.


5. I know you will stand fast

and hold my hand when I am scared to death,

overwhelmed with the weight of it all-

as we watch the soils melt like sugar

and progress unravel, like cords trailing

from the kites you lift on holidays,

daydreaming of flight.


I wrap you in a hug, and feel the strength

in your frail frame.

You may be the first person

I trust will never abandon me

to this world to walk alone.


You understand my own anger,

 let me have my fights;

yet you whisper to me words of pure spun gold

when no-one is looking,

even as we engineer designs and test them

on the hearts and minds of unsuspecting pupils,

charts open and pens graphing

and tables covered in notes.


And you will never embrace the whole

of your poet self, and thus, by extension

never see the me in front of you,

seeing you.


It is maddening. How do I awaken every morning

not wanting to write poems

of the moon?

© 2013 Marie Anzalone

The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114

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ah yes, the first line made me smile so much...i am the poet, my dad the engineer...we often didn't and still haven't seen eye to eye...he figured everything out with a slide rule...and by breaking it down into parts...like a scientist vs a priest...i always saw things differently and wrote...he always asked me what i was going to do with poetry?
maybe we are both still wondering...

at any rate...i found myself relating to this write..perhaps in a different way...no matter , engineer or not...two people can compromise and find a way to solve things, and to love.

my girlfriend is in the vein of my father...but we figure it out...

i probably seem weird to her sometimes...but i am not surprised by that.

really like this poem...


Posted 11 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Marie Anzalone

11 Years Ago

Thanks jacob, you have me smiling right now. I hesitated on this one, for many reasons, and am glad .. read more


ah yes, the first line made me smile so much...i am the poet, my dad the engineer...we often didn't and still haven't seen eye to eye...he figured everything out with a slide rule...and by breaking it down into parts...like a scientist vs a priest...i always saw things differently and wrote...he always asked me what i was going to do with poetry?
maybe we are both still wondering...

at any rate...i found myself relating to this write..perhaps in a different way...no matter , engineer or not...two people can compromise and find a way to solve things, and to love.

my girlfriend is in the vein of my father...but we figure it out...

i probably seem weird to her sometimes...but i am not surprised by that.

really like this poem...


Posted 11 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Marie Anzalone

11 Years Ago

Thanks jacob, you have me smiling right now. I hesitated on this one, for many reasons, and am glad .. read more
The star is questioning her moon. That means that she is more essential to him. She understands deeply how he feels and loves him all the more for it. And that love is the most powerful external influence in her life. If she was a planet and not a star, he would pull her tides and influence every physical aspect of her being. But isn't that exactly what he is doing?
Yes, he may wax and wane, (hopefully I'm not taking the analogy so far it becomes unworkable) but he still shines in her night sky and she looks up to him every night.
His life has been shaped. He has been wounded but his experience has moulded the truest man. A man of strength and compassion. Where both primary aspects are blended. But of course he does not see that. A man such as he would not. He would not be the poet he is if it was vaunted and thrown out to the world to say , Look here stands the poet. Instead it is here stands the man judged by her love first and foremost. Not here stands the engineer, or the poet, or even both. But here stands a man proud.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Marie Anzalone

11 Years Ago

A man proud. Yes, that is it, exactly. And, to add, one of the finest I have ever known, in any coun.. read more
Ken Simm.

11 Years Ago

Is worship love? Does she admire what he is and call it love? It seems to me that to be a soul mate,.. read more
Marie Anzalone

11 Years Ago

Is worship love? No, it is not. Admiration maybe more so than love- for as alluded to, there are som.. read more
i had my own moon once, he still shines somewhere, but i haven't seen his light for the longest time, reading your words breaks my heart for you, and for me

and suddnely, I'm thinking of Robert Frost's O Star, and the poets frustration that the star never gave the answer it was asked for, i'm just rambling now, but these are words that i will come back to

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Marie Anzalone

11 Years Ago

Thanks, Emily. I have not read that particular Frost poem, think I will need to check it out now. Yo.. read more

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14 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on May 30, 2013
Last Updated on August 9, 2013
Tags: Platonic love, soul friends, mysticism

Peregrinating North-South Compass Points


Marie Anzalone
Marie Anzalone

Xecaracoj, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

Bilingual (English and Spanish) poet, essayist, novelist, grant writer, editor, and technical writer working in Central America. "A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to ta.. more..


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