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First Light

First Light

A Poem by icelandicblue

Quiet contemplation
at the apex of the morn.
Silent immolation
precedes the sun reborn.

Ghostly mist swept away
to places on up high.
As the sword of each new day
deftly slices through the sky.

A cacophony of sound
builds to a crescendo.
And often I have found
it is time to close the window.

© 2014 icelandicblue

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Love this!

There's a time early morning when one takes a gasp and smiles. 'Yay, another day, how wonderful!', Then, in spite of the luxurious snuggly feeling of warmth and contentment.. there's a grow-ing-aware-ness of.. the dawn chorus rising wrapped worm fed arrogant plumage - arghhhh!

Time for a saucepan and large wooden spoon!

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Hahaha...thank you emmajoy.

9 Years Ago

Wicked me, but good to share a smile.

Must add though: from the Wintry skeleton of a ho.. read more
Like Jacob, I too admire your use of the lines "As the sword of each new day/deftly slices through the sky." Those lines provide the reader with a stunning visual about the progression of time. I was instantly reminded of a one of my father's morning rituals. He would always put a black ex through the date on the calendar when he came home from work.

Your ending is a perfect set of closing lines for this poem. The morning ritual of contemplating the day ends with the close of the window. Our speaker moves into the next phase of her life until the sunrises on the next day.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Sorry for the delay Clockwork. Thank you for your lovely words.
The day arrives in all its vivid colors, noise, claiming supremacy over the quiet, gentle dawn. But sometimes it is too boisterous for us. Very beautifully written and much appreciated.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you Divya. We can go from complete stillness to a boisterous unappreciated wake-up call. Thank.. read more
This one has a peaceful tone to it and the last lines are powerful; a wonderful perspective of dawn. The imagery was colourful. if I may say so, I could imagine such a dawn after a quiet, chilling night. It is winter and the sun is about to dawn, here in India. Could not have been a better time to read your wonderful piece.
Thank you for sharing, Ma'am.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you Stonz for your lovely comment.
I'm partial to rhymed poems and so I loved this one. wonderful choice of words.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you Woody. I like rhyme myself.
Oh I love this time! A time when all ends- and all may begin. The dawn of time, that time when it stiwches over from crepuscular to anti crepuscular. The slient shdows roam around, the glimeaning sparkles of re-newal they are chasing them out. As a new, day, a new dawn, needs to be created in order to re - start. Is there a thread? Yes indeed is not carte blanche. But yet it feels that something has been refreshed, slept over, re gathered and here once more we go again.

I'm feeling good.



Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Then my job here is done. I am happy you liked this one Rene. Thank you.
The usage of vocabulary is very strong, and I loved your rhyming scheme.

Very surreal poetry. Well done, icelandicblue.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed this.
I love the words you weave to enchant my brain, dear friend. This is wonderful. Large flocks of crows and blackbirds love to roost in our trees and they make the most horrific noise. Beautiful, enchanting imagery! I thoroughly enjoy reading your creations. Thank you for sharing this.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much for reading and commenting. You are so kind.
I have a lot of trees, and where there are trees, there are birds.
This reminds me of spring and summer mornings, sleeping with the window open so the breeze can flow through and then early morning those damn birds just start singing, a whole choir of them, and it's just too early. The last few lines reminded me of that. Closing that window and pulling the blinds shut.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

That was exactly what I was writing about. When those birds start at 4 AM I am not a happy person! T.. read more
Matching Socks

9 Years Ago

Lol!! I'm not too happy about it either. :)
The first light is truly the most calming time of day if one manages to slow down in order to soak it all in. Great poem. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you so much for reading and commenting. It is nice to meet you.
Skai Rain

9 Years Ago

You as well

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16 Reviews
Added on December 2, 2014
Last Updated on December 2, 2014




I do not accept any new friend requests unless we have read and commented on each others poetry. No exceptions. I have enough homework as it is. I expect reciprocity in our exchanges. Read my work and.. more..


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