The Big Circus Show In The Sky

The Big Circus Show In The Sky


Collaboration with my sister storiestotell (Karen Sills)


     This week at Millie's school was circus week.  The circus was her favorite place to go.  Her mommy and daddy took her each year.  Millie liked the trapeze act and the clowns.  She walked into her room at school.  Her eyes widen in surprise.  The room looked like one big circus tent.

     "Wow!" She exclaimed.

     On the walls were pictures of elephants, lions, ringmasters and clowns.  This was going to be a fun week.  Mrs. Lee, her teacher called the class to their seats.  Millie was too busy looking at the walls that she didn't hear Mrs. Lee.  She was pretending that she was at a real live circus watching all the silly clowns.  Millie giggled.

     "Millie, please take your seat," Mrs. Lee said.

     Millie looked around and realized she was the only one left standing.  Her face felt warm as she walked to her seat.  Millie couldn't wait to go play with all the circus toys.  She hoped she could go to the dress up area first.  Mrs. Lee had all kinds of circus costumes.  Millie wanted to dress up like a clown first.

     She tried to listen as Mrs. Lee talked, but the white fluffy clouds caught her attention.  Millie's eyes grew wide.  The clouds seemed to be bouncing around as if they were alive.  She smiled as excitement bubbled inside her.

     "Millie, you may go to the dress up area," Mrs. Lee told her.

     "Oh boy!" She yelled.  Millie forgot all about the white fluffy clouds.  She ran to the dress up area and began pulling out wigs of all colors.

     "Look at me, Millie," said Cady.

     Millie looked at Cady, she was dressed in a polka dot clown suit.  She had an orange wig on with a huge red nose on her face.  Millie jumped up and down with excitement.  Millie put on a red wig and an orange nose.  She looked at herself in the mirror.

     "Look at me!" Millie yelled.  Everyone looked at her.  "I'm a real clown!" She shouted.

     Millie and Johnny found a pair of clown shoes.  They both grabbed them at the same time.  There wasn't another pair and they both wanted to wear them.

     Millie looked at Johnny, he was about to cry.  "You can wear them first," she told him.  "I'll tie these colored scarves around my shoes." And that's what she did.

     "Cool shoes," said tina to Millie.

     "Thank you."

     "Want to trade now?" Asked Johnny.

     Millie took a deep breath.  "Sure."  Then she ran to the window to look at the white fluffy clouds once again.  "Look everyone,"  Millie said excitedly.  "Do you see?" She asked.  "Look at the clouds!"

     Mrs. Lee followed the children outside.  "Now what do you see?" She asked.

     Millie laid down on her back, so did the other children.

"A lion," she said pointing to the clouds.

     "A cannon!" Shouted Tom.

     "Balloons of all colors," Tina said.

     "I see circus shoes for everyone!" Johnny yelled.

     Everyone laughed as they gazed up at the big circus show in the sky.


Also Wriiten By:




Author's Note

Written for the World of 500 Group! The story had to be about fluffy clouds! Tell me what you think!

My Review

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A amazing poem. You took me on a good journey in your words. I like how you set-up the poem. The room and then the dress up. I like the ending. The imagination of children can take you to many places. A outstanding poem. Thank you both.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very beautfully written. Great job!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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12 Reviews
Added on May 15, 2011
Last Updated on March 22, 2022
Tags: Tent, Clown, Lion, Show



Harrisville, MS

check out! Hello writercafe friends. I've been on this site for a few years! I stopped writing for a while, and trying to get back into it! When I joined this sit.. more..


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