Fly On The Wall

Fly On The Wall

A Poem by emma

When we don't help people in need we become the flies and the world becomes our wall.


I watch, I see, I listen.

I watch as the drunken man recklessly drives.

I see the car he is about to hit and know he will end lives.

I listen as the cars collide, a sound like clashing knives.

But I do nothing, for I am a fly on the wall.


I watch, I see, I listen.

I watch as the boy opens the bottle and takes the pill.

I see that he has taken too many, enough to kill.

I listen as he retches and cries, and then he goes still.

But I do nothing, for I am a fly on the wall.


I watch, I see, I listen.

I watch as the man hits his wife in their own house.

I see the blood soaking through her ratty blouse.

I listen as begs for her life to her angry spouse. 

But I do nothing, for I am a fly on the wall.


I watch, I see, I listen.

I watch as the girl pulls out the shining blade.

I see her cut her own wrist, her misery displayed.

I listen as she sighs happily, welcoming the pain she made.

But I do nothing, for I am a fly on the wall.


I watch, I see, I listen.

I watch as the girl compares herself to the model’s perfection.

I see that she is struggling to keep away her peer’s rejection.

I listen as she cries about her own reflection.

But I do nothing, for I am a fly on the wall. 

© 2011 emma

Author's Note

To me this poem is not about actual flies, but people who act like them. If you don't help someone when you see them in need, then you become a fly on a wall who just watches.

Please be truthful when reviewing because I'd like to know what you really think of it.

**awarded Made Me Think Poem ♥ in the Your Best Poem contest**
** awarded 2nd runner up in the Just some poems contest**
**awarded 1st in the Poetry contest contest**
**awarded Why aren't you famous yet? in the "Writing is my passion" contest**

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this is beautiful, sad, amazing, and wrong. People who watch and do nothing are not innocent bystanders, but rather, they are just as guilty for seeing things happen but doing nothing. It takes everyone's silence to cause someone to be hurt, but it only takes one person speaking up to end their pain. Great write.

Posted 12 Years Ago

this is really great i love it :)))

Posted 12 Years Ago

I could totally relate to this. this is amazing. you are amazing. I've said this before i'll say it again. you have real talent.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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I like how you portrayed this. It's way too obvious that people sit idly by and don't do anything. I think sometimes they are just scared and don't know what to do. But it's really sad when people don't care. The poem is amazing! I loved it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I truly love this! Its an amazing poem. I can truly understand how it feels to see things and not do anything and it was just like the second to last one so it connects to me. I hope you keep writing you have a talent for it!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love how you're referring to a person who does nothing to help those in need instead of an actual fly. I love it and all the everyday scenarios you wrote

Posted 12 Years Ago

Truthfully, I like the analogy of a person doing nothing is like a fly. I also like the scenarios you came up with- though they are sad they are reality. It flows well, I loved it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love this poem!! it's real sad though..

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nicely crafted! And I believe we are all flies on a wall, we watch, listen, but do nothing!

Posted 12 Years Ago

a wonderfully penned truthful write. nicely done! some people refuse to help others, in fact just the other day at work a poor old woman fell and i couldnt believe the group of people just walked by her and did nothing! just stared as they walked. of course I could not, and helped her. Thankfully she was okay.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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48 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on September 6, 2011
Last Updated on December 23, 2011




i'm emma and i watch a lot of TV and movies and read a lot of books and come talk to me about that i would love to talk with you also: i write things every once and a while more..

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