chapter two

chapter two

A Chapter by Papercuts.Hate.You.Too

            Chapter two

Me, Ron, and Leylia all walked out to the school parking lot exchanging ideas about what we were gonna do this summer."Lets just talk about it tommorrow night when we have the sleep over at Leylia's house"I said as we walked towards Rons car."Why didn't one of you tell me about the sleep over?"Ron said and I rememberd that he was sleeping while me and Leylia planed tonight and tommarrow."Sorry,sleeping bueuty,maybe you shouldn't fall asleep next time"Leylia said as she climbed into the back seat of Rons car.I slided into the passangers side and Ron sat in the drivers seat.He started the car and drove in the direction of Leylia's house like any other day."We'll wait for you to grab your clothes and tell your parents, so Ron can just drop both of us off at my house"I said thinking every thing through.I all ready knew Leylia's parents would let her stay at my house(they all ways do).I met Leylia in second grade at school when I first moved here.She was the girl who every one wanted to be freinds with.I didn't meet Ron until fifth grade witch was when me and Leylia were unseperatable.About three days later me, Leylia, and Ron were all best freinds.Ever since then we were known as the most popular group in school until we came to high school and discoverd the gloss girls(what a lame group name).There these four girls who think they own every one in the school and to be in there group you have to wear this "special" lip gloss.The girls in the group are Megan(the sassy leader), Victoria(the suck-up), Summer(the...well...i gess shes kinda just there), and Rose(the atheletic one).Me,Leylia,and Ron all hate them.Then the car stoped and Leylia  jumped out and ran into her house."So are you and Brad still fighting?"Ron asked me a little after Leylia left the car. "No, I made him eat a moth in a cup of my moms red wine"I said with a wide smile on my face."Some times your the most evil person ever,Brooke" he said laughing.Leylia ran out and back into the car when me and Ron were laughing."Whats so funny?"she asked after waving her mom goodbye."Brooke made Brad eat a moth out of her moms red wine"Ron said still laughing."Nice.Next time you should make him do your nails"Leylias said zoning out to picture it while Ron drove up my drive way and then stoped the car."So tonight i'll call you with plans of what were do tommorrow night at the sleep over"I said through the drivers window."I will sit by my phone and wait"Ron said as Leylia walked into my house with her bags."Don't do that,your mom will think you have no social life"I said laughing.Then Leylia called my name and said my mom wants me so I waved goodbye to Ron and ran through the front door and strait into the kitchen."How was your last day of school,Brooke"my mom said as she pulled the end of the year cake out of the oven that she bakes every year."Well I got to listen to my french teacher talk about the summers she had as a kid"I said as my mom raced around the little room doing a million things at once."That sounds great and i'd love to listen about the rest of your day but I got to go finish packing for the cruise"she said before runing up the stairs and into her room.I cut a slice of cake and put it in a plastic container to give to Ron tommorrow.Then Leylia ran down stairs and stole a peice of cake."So what do you want to do tonight"Leylia asked me as we both ate the cake."We could get on writers cafe to read some stories and cheak my mail"I said walking to the computer with Leylia close behind me.I loged on to my profile and saw I had no e-mails so I let Leylia on to cheak hers and she had two         e-mails.One from a writer she really liked and one from a new writer who was giving a reveiw to one of her poems.Leylia stayed on the computer while I found some junk food and tossed them in my room along with some old movies."Were all set for the night and since your loging off I guess you  want to go up stairs"I said as Leylia turned off the computer and stood up."We have to plan what were doing tommorrow night so we can tell Ron before midnight"she said as she lead the way to my little room.Once we were in there Leylia shut the door and sat on my bed."So were gonna have a sleep over at my house with Ron tommorrow night but what are we going to do tonight"she says right before the door bell rang."Brooke can you get that"my mom yelled from her room.So I walked down the stairs with Leylia right behind me.I opened the door only to find my brother waiting at the door step."You forgot your key didn't you" me and Leylia say at the same time then look at each other and start laughing."You guys are weird how you do that.It's like you two are  twins or some thing"Brad said pushing his way past me and Leylia.We were still laughing by the time we shut the door and where up stairs in my room."Toss me my cell so we can call Ron" I said as I gesture towards my iphone on the nightstand beside my daybed.She grabed it and handed it to me  as I sat beside her on my bed."I still cant belive your parents got you a iphone for christmas" Leylia said as I scrolled through my contacts."Me neither" I said finding what I was looking for ( Ron's number). I dialed it and listened for the ring tone.It only rang three times before his over controling mother answerd."Hello" she said in her high piched voice."Hello Mrs.Whitlock,is ron home?" I asked in my good girl voice."Yes,here he is" she said then I heard his deep voice through the phone."Hey Brooke!!Have you guys found out what were gonna do?" he said and then I rememberd the paper me and Leylia were passing in english that had our plans on it.I grabed it out of my book bag and read to him what it said skiping the part about Brad."Kay!!I'll see you at Leylia's house,tell her bye" he said and I handed her the phone instead."Ron man!!You got to do something 'bout your moms voice.I know!!! You do something really bad,then she'll keep yelling at you until she loses her voice!!" she said being the crazy girl she was."Yeah,like you and Ron start dating" I said sarcasticly."Funny!!" Leylia said and I heard Ron's "your crazy" through the phone.I grabed it (the phone) and said "KIDDING!!" in it,then said bye and hung-up."So,I think your brothers on the talking to his girl freind.Let's listen!!" she said grabing the house phone and puting it on speaker then mute so wecould hear them but when my dubm brother said one of his corny line they couldn't hear us laughing."So,What do you think of Brookes freind,Leylia?" Brad asked,talking to one of his freinds."Dude,she's HOT!!!!!You think you could hook me up with her!?!" after the weird guy said that, me and Leylia just sat there staring wide eyed at each other.


© 2009 Papercuts.Hate.You.Too

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what ever cuz u told me this was a good write!!
haha GOT-CHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Luv Brooke Madison

Posted 14 Years Ago

ur still a loser

Posted 15 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on June 16, 2009
Last Updated on August 30, 2009



Somewhere.over.the.rainbow, VA

